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Subject: Re: Ideas for the "downtown marketplace" (how about a train?)

Roberta Fields
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Date Posted: 15:21:22 06/15/03 Sun
In reply to: Jim Dell 's message, "Ideas for the "new mall" (how about a roller coaster?)" on 15:05:03 06/15/03 Sun

Not a bad idea at all Jim. The rollercoaster idea got methinking about another idea htat has a lot to do with Ogden's past...a train. you konw that little train ride that you can take at lagoon? that takes you around the park a little bit and you can see some animals and stuff. just relaxing. well, since Ogden has so much past with the railroad and even has its railroad museum and everything, I think we should have a littel train like the one at lagoon that would travel around the "downtown marketplace"-i like that name too-and stop every once in a while to let people off at different areas. It could stop in front of the restaurant area, in front of the movie theater, it could even go downt to the river and over a bridge there or something-I'm just getting started.What do you think?

>This forum is a good medium for brainstorming. The
>concept of brainstorming is that people can say
>whatever they want without being lambasted for the
>improbability of their ideas. The idea is that minds
>will start moving and ideas may need to be tempered
>and amended later, but at least no great ideas will be
>squelched before they reach the light of day.
>With that in mind, I'd like to propose an idea for the
>"old Ogden City Mall Site" -- which desperately needs
>a new name (I like Ron Atencio's idea of calling it
>the "Downtown Marketplace", in fact, I think I'll use
>that from now on.)
>Anyway, my wife and I were driving by the current
>rubble started pondering what would make people really
>come out to the Downtown Marketplace when it's done.
>After a few more rational ideas, we came up with the
>idea of a roller coaster.
>Why not put a roller coaster down there amongst the
>shops and businesses, etc.? That would certainly be
>exciting! We would get people coming to Ogden to shop
>from places like Layton and Riverdale -- even
>Bountiful. That would be quite a switcheroo. We could
>include a little boardwalk area where people sold
>cotton candy and hot dogs and stuff and give the place
>a little bit of a theme park feeling.
>What do you think?
>I'm really just proposing this in order to get some
>thoughts going. We really need some thoughts if this
>thing is going to work! And now is the time!!! Please
>post your thoughts here and we'll get a good
>brainstorming session going. No thought is too dumb.

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Re: Ideas for the "downtown marketplace" (how about a train?)Casey11:11:10 06/18/03 Wed

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