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Subject: DARN that pesky HTML (sheesh)...allow me to try again PLEASE?...

Firinn (feeling VERY embarrassed)
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Date Posted: 10:08:03 09/29/03 Mon
In reply to: Firinn 's message, "Bringing a Forum to Life..." on 10:01:38 09/29/03 Mon

OK OK, I'm a little HTML rusty here these days, and this forum doesn't allow for "preview" or for "delete my blatant mess-up"...here's a repeat of what I wanted to post above, but just somehow didnt make it...

Hi, folks, I'm new to Street Magazine, cruisin' around
the site, and came upon this forum. I and about 200
of my friends around this marble globe have spent
years together on a forum dedicated to
writer/director/actor Paul
, and I've invited them all here to help

An itsy bit of promotion for our hero, PaulJ, he's
currently starring as the very unlikeable dad on the
WB's newest series, One Tree Hill (Channel 30, Tuesday
at 8)

It's a little cheesey at the moment, but that just
means it has a lot of room to grow.
>And since this board has absolutely nothing to
>directly do with Paul Johansson (but that I am a HUGE
>fan in many ways), I think maybe a small way to
>generate interest in discussion may be to just talk
>about what's hot and what's not during this new TV
>NOT: The Bachelor
>(your turn)
>(anybody out there?)

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Subject Author Date
I'll catch on, I promise...Firinn10:09:53 09/29/03 Mon
Re: DARN that pesky HTML (sheesh)...allow me to try again PLEASE?...Jette13:41:12 09/29/03 Mon

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