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Ron J. Atencio
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Date Posted: 00:50:20 12/10/03 Wed

I hope you all enjoy our newly designed and updated home page with many new buttons and links and so much more useful information. Check out our calendars which are updated weekly and have been upgraded considerably. The guides are all being updated and will be current by the end of 2003. STREET Magazine Winter 2004 will be on the streets by the end of this year 2003, as well, just in time for Jan/Feb/March 2004 coverage. You will be able to preview all the articles and art/photo essays prior to the street distribution and you can download a pdf file of the current issue. So much happening so fast. Thank you to Darin Hadley and Josh Minson, our web designers who have worked hard to get this site to you for my birthday today where I turn 25/25.... And thanks to Pat Pearson who is diligently gathering new information and designs for the calendars everyday to keep it current and fresh. And to Kyle Koberna and Corey Chapman who's designs in the STREET magazine and ezine are exceptional. And also to Dason Smith and Bill Caldwell who keep the business running. Keep an eye out on us for 2004... It will be a big year for all of us as well as Ogden where so much great stuff is going to be happening so fast. Catch the vision and enjoy the journey. Thanks to you the reader, advertisers and supporters who have made it all possible. We are proud to bring the new updated site to you now and soon the upcoming issue #5, Winter 2004.ENJOY!!! Sincerely,
Ron J. Atencio, Publisher/Editor, STREET Magazine.

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Subject Author Date
Re: STREETMAGAZINE.net NEW DESIGNDarin Hadley15:12:54 12/10/03 Wed
Acupuncture 101Pamela Bys L.Ac.18:03:01 08/13/04 Fri

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