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Date Posted: 12:08:43 04/22/07 Sun
Author: Gelena Bronshteyn (happy)
Subject: continuation

Yes, I had very little time yesterday on the internet because I was sending the previous message from a hotel where internet usage costs a fortune, and I don't have too much time today either if I want my computer card in this internet-cafe "to last." I am talking about one of numerous internet-cafes in Jerusalem-the city where I relocated with my mother from Birmingham, Alabama, United States a few months ago. We had gone through nightmare contacting a variety of organizations regarding our relatives and ancestors before coming to Israel and continue going through this horror here in Israel. Yes, our Slavin relatives lived, virtually uninterruptedly, if not totally uninterruptedly, in Rechitsa, from 1890s till 1990s, and the Rechitsa authorities as well as their Jewish community claim that they have no idea whom we are talking about. The Slavins are not our only relatives with whom we have been experiencing this ordeal. We have been trying to stay here in Israel, they are checking our documents-they want to know whom they are dealing with, and sometimes I think that these negative responses on our genealogical searches make us look like liers, like we are lying who we really are. There are only about 70,000 people in Rechitsa, and a few hundred Jews at most in that city which means that people normally know each other in places like that. Hell, I lived in Birmingham, that has, I don't know half-a-million or something population, and everyone knew each other there. There can not be a billion of Jewish and other (provided our relatives were burried in Rechitsa in a Gentile cemetery) cemeteries in a city like Rechitsa. How difficult can it be to look up the graves of our relatives there? I am talking about Vera Savelievna Slavina (and her daughter Rosa). Even with our lack of knowledge as to what married last name of Vera was, it may still be possible to find the grave of Vera in Rechitsa. How many Vera Savelievnas, Jewesses, natives of Rechitsa, born in Rechitsa in 1880-1910, can be burried in that town? Seriously people think that we can just get on the streets, the money will fall on our heads from the skies there, we will buy the tickets to Rechitsa, and hop on a plane to Belorus.

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