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Subject: My hell in Steps

Clare Richards
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Date Posted: 19:26:01 11/20/06 Mon

Hi guys and gals (sorry for the pun, oh it isnt a pun). Sorry i havent written on here for a while. I have been busy writing new material with Dane Bowers. I plan for my album to come out in june 2007 and I am almost 100% sure it will be a smash hit! I almost pissed myself writing this because i am so fucking excited. The opening track on tut album is called 'damn, that may hurt, take it slow and be gentle' and that will be the first single. the Album is called 'take it all on my face'. the whole album has a sexy feel. A bit like christina Agularia but a fair old bit sexier. Sex is alot more open these days and i feel writing about a 'french baker in england' (taking a rough textured shit on a mans face and then pissing on his cock) is no longer a taboo. If I want to spread my anus and show 'yesterdays dinner' to a man in a taxi rank I will. Girl power and all that shite! But this is special! I am telling girls it is ok to go out and suck a cock! Dont you EVER let a man put you down! unless, you are doing a 'fishermans baquet' (man pisses in the womans vagina, she holds it in and then pushes out the urine follwed by her own urine onto the man while he masturbates) of course. I love you all. keep the dream alive.

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