Author: Dr. Tom Wrigley
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Date Posted: 06:23:43 03/27/17 Mon
Natural sex drugs for men and women. Products for men and women to amplify sexual drive, feelingts and orgasms. Products to intensify erections, genital blood flow, vulvar engorgement, vaginal lubrication and general sexual physiology.
About herbs that can stimulate you sexually, presentation of products based on these herbs
Sex toys for women and men. Tools and toys for pleasant erotic massage and to play with your genital organs and all other sensual body parts. Exciting things to put in through your seintimate openings to make good feelings. Also pills and creams for women to enhance pleasure, intensify orgasms and to make stronger female functions. Perfumes to arouse and attract women and men. Pills, topicals and devices for penis and breast enhancement. Pills and creams to make bigger and better erections, increase pleasure and intensify orgasms. Remedies to prevent premature ejaculations.
A complete set of advices for successful slimming.
Smart masturbation techniques for all the sensual parts you have on and inside yourself
better sex and masturbation
Affordable parts for your car or other vehicle. Styling equipment, performance upgrade, electrical parts, cabin parts, motor parts, stearing and transmision details, touring comodities
Airsoft guns of all categories
Remote controle airplanes, helicopters, drones cars, boats. Also science kits, magic sets, elecetronic lab kits and much more
Help against Hemorrhoid and Stomach Problems. Stomach cleansing products Natural cures or support for: Hemorrhoids, constipation, stomach pain, stomach inflammations, GERD, diarrhoea. Stomach cleansing products. Also products to help for urinary tract infection, yeast infection, men's problems and women's problems.
Help for depression, anxiety, poor memory, poor concentration, dementia, insomnia, restlessness, tension, ADHD and other mental problems.
Health Benefits of Avocado
Avocado gives a lot of health benefits due to its content of nutrients. Avocado is rich in mono-unsaturated fat, fiber, many amino acids and the antioxidants Lutein and Zeaxanthin. It is rich in potassium, Vitamin K, Folate, Vitamin C, Vitamin B5 and B6, Vitamin E.
The avocado seed is actually the most nutritious part of the fruit. About the eating of avocado seeds, many are very enthusiastic, while others warn against it, thinking that the seed might be poisenous. It is probably not been studied well enough to give any definite advice, but it might be worth to try it. The eauthor of this article grind the seed and blend it with ground carrot and width some olive oil.
Avocado seems reduse the chance of getting cancer. The fruit seems to better the effetc effect of chemotherapy. It also helps to alleviate inflammations, which again will help to get a healthier blood circulation, digestion and joints.
There has been a lot of information about the use of avocado for getting the skin young, healthy and smooth in the recent times, and two ways of using it has especially been mentioned.
- One can use avocado oil on the skin or use lotions or creams containing avocado oil.
- One can eat ground avocado seeds.
The author of this article have have experienced benefits for my skin by eating avocado seeds. First and foremost injuries in the skin grow faster, for example bruices after shaving, and the skin gets shinier and somewhat more robust.
You can also grind whole ripe avocado and smear it over all the body. Then let it dry. After some hours take a douche. Then all the superflous is flushed away, and the oily substances that have saturated the skin remain and makes it shiny and smooth. The ripe avocado does not make your skin messy or green, but behaves just like a skin lotion.
Avocado can help to lower blood pressure and the cholesterole levels, and help to improve the balance between protein-cholesterole complexes in the blood, the high density lipoprotein HDL and low density lipoprotein LDL.
This will lower the chance of getting heart attack, blood clots and stroke.
Avocado helps to make the digestive organs work better and to give the intestinal content a right consistance, which helps against constipation, hemorrhoids and other kind of digestive disconfort. Also the fat in avocado, helps your digestion to take up fat soluble nutrients from other food types better.
This fruit can help you get slimmer, but in order for this to work you must take some care. Avocado is very rich in fat and thereby calories. When you add avocado to your diet, you must reduce other type of calory intake, either the intake of fat from other sources, or suger and other carbohydrates. However, eating avocado also makes you more satisfied, so that it will be easier to eat less.
Inflammatory rections in the eyes will be reduced if you eat avocado on a long term basis. The fruit also hinders development of macular degeneration and cataract.
The anti-inflammatory effects of the fruit is almost sure to help against chronic rheumatic diseases. What has been especially studied is a blending of unsaponifable components of avocado and soya been oil, which have good effect against ostearthritis.
Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. At his web-site you can find health advices, training supplements, natural products to enhance sexual pleasure, and natural drugs against common diseases, like: Acne and skin problems, allergy, over-weight, hypothyroidism, hemorrhoids, heart trouble, joint pain and rheumatism, depression, constipation and digestive trouble, cold, flu, men's and women's problems, and more.
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Substances and Herbs Used to Reduce the Appetite
By Knut Holt
Substances to reduce appetite have been used since the First World War. Soldiers used the stimulating substance amphetamine both to stimulate their fighting capacity and to reduce hunger. The same was done in the Second World War. After the last war, the civil market began to use amphetamine and related substances to help reduce the intake of food during weight loss efforts.
Amphetamine and related substances stimulate the alertness of the central nervous system and the impulse to external action. When zones of the brain dealing with external action are in high activity, signals are sent to zones controlling appetite, digestion and connected functions to reduce their activity. Thus central stimulating substances also reduce appetite. Since these drugs increase the bodily activity, they also help to reduce weight by inducing a higher rate of fat burning.
Some drugs of this group are also used as antidepressant, for example fluoxetine hudrochloride (Prozac).
Being central stimulants all these appetite suppressors also bear a certain risk of developing addiction, and of side effects like insomnia, agitation, manic reactions, hypertension, stroke, heart valve damage and heart rhythm disturbances.
Because of such dangerous effects, many of these substances have been banned from most markets as appetite suppressants, for example amphetamine itself, aminorex, fenfluramine, phenylpropanolamine and ephedrine. However, many of these substances are still used for other purposes, for example to stimulate heart activity and to regulate up a too low blood pressure.
Substances of this group available on the market today as appetite suppresants are: Phentermine, diethylpropion, phenidmetrazine, benzphetamine, sibutramine, rimonabant, oxyntomodulin and fluoxetine hydrochloride (Prozac).
Phentermine is perhaps the most widely used appetite suppressant drug today. It works by increasing the release of the hormones / neurotransmitters norepinephrine, serotonine and dopamine, The signals from these substances make the nervous system more alert for external action and reduce appetite.
Ephedrine is a central stimulant extracted from species of the plant genus Ephedra. The substance is banned in most communities as a appetite suppressor nowadays, but are used for other medical purposes, for example to stimulate heart activity and increase blood pressure. In some communities Ephedra as a herb is still used as a part of stimulating herbal preparations.
Sibutramine works by reducing the reuptake of the hormones / neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinefrine and dopamine and thus increases the effects from these substances, with increased alertness and reduced appetite as a result.
This is a new drug working by blocking signals receptors that increase appetite upon signals from neurotransmitters / hormones. These are the same receptors that react upon contact with substances in the narcotic herb Cannabis. The main action of this drug is appetite reduction. In addition to appetite reduction it also seems to help smoking cessation for certain smokers. Severe depression may be a side effect of this drug.
Because of the potential side effects of appetite suppressors from the amphetamine group, people often turn to herbal appetite reducers with a very long history of use in their country of origin without having shown the same side effects. The herbal appetite suppressors Hoodia Gordonii and pinnothin are two such herbal appetite suppressors of increasing popularity. Preparations containing these herbs generally also contain herbs that increase the burning of fat, or herbs that reduce the uptake of fat or sugar from the intestines.
This is a cactus-like plant native in the African dessert Kalahari. The San tribe living in this region has used the herb in centuries to suppress hungers during long hunting expeditions. In the long traditional use, the herb has shown to suppress hunger without side effects.
The plant contains substances whose molecules resemble glucose molecules. When there is enough glucose in the blood, the brain interprets it as a signal to reduce the hunger. The substances of the Hoodia Gordonii give the same signal to the brain, and thus reduce the appetite.
This chemical complex is found on the Korean Pine Nut tree Pinus Koreanensis, and the working substance of Pinnothin is pinnoleic acid, an unsaturated fatty acid with 18 carbon atoms, three double bounds and with the first bound on the fifth carbon atom (omega-5 poly-unsaturated fatty acid). Pinnoleic acid reduces the appetite by inducing production of a larger amount of the appetite regulating signal substance cholecystokinin (CCK), which then is released into the blood circulation. CCK in the blood is interpreted by the brain as a command to reduce the feeling of hunger.
Another ways CCK works, is by delaying the emptying of the stomach content into the intestines, and by giving signal to the gall bladder to empty its content with digestive enzymes into the small intestine. The stomach will therefore lack room for new food a longer time each day, and this reduces the urge to eat.
Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. For more information about slimming, fitness, health and other areas, and interesting products within the fields health, hobby, automotive and apparel, please see his website.
----Free to reprint with the author's name and link.
Advice for Good Anal Sex and Masturbation
The area between your buttock cheeks, the immediate surroundings of your anus, the anus itself and your rectum is highly sensual to erotic stimulation. It some way this area is even more sensual than the genitals, because even slight caresses at this area can give strong feelings.
The skin and muscles at both sides of the rectal opening is highly sensitive. The point just in front of the anus gives a strong emotional response when you poke at it. A man will often have a little grove at that point that you can poke into. The anus itself has the most sensitive skin in your whole body, and the sphincter muscle gives a lot of good feeling when stretched out.
Before the front wall some way inside the anus, a man will also have the prostate. The deepest point of the anus is sensitive in a very special way. Stimulation here gives very strong feelings that reach the whole pelvic region coupled with profound mental emotions.
You seldom get any orgasm from this area, even though it does sometimes happens, but you are very likely feel a strong and persistent physical and mental excitement upon proper stimulation, and such stimulation will also intensify a genital orgasm. Here are some general principles you should follow both when you have anal sex with a partner or when you use this area for masturbation:
- You must firstly be in a position where your rectal area is easy to get to. Then you must relax as much as possible. Then open the area even more by pulling the buttock cheeks apart so that you feel a slight stretch. Begin caressing gently the inner sides of the cheeks and gradually caress steadily nearer to the rear opening.
- It is not necessary to enter through the anus to make a lot of pleasure. If you do it, you proceed in a gentle manner through the opening and towards the deep parts of the rectum. For a joyful rectal intrusion, the rectal spinster must relax well. By pressing cautiously with a finger or a rounded object towards the anal orifice, the spinster will usually relax and the object goes easily through.
- You will discover that the rectum has several strongly sensible points along the way to the deepest area. By caressing inside the anus towards the prostate area or the vagina, you will also stimulate feelings in the genital region. While you steadily proceed towards the most intimate and deepest areas, you also move a little in and out, use circulating movements and poke at special sensible points.
- After having teased up your feeling with gentle stimulation and caresses, you can gradually stimulate harder to influence points deeper inside the tissues. You can also tense your muscles in the anal area, first gently and then more intensely. Such an intensified action will typically give you a peak feeling that can resemble an orgasm, but the feeling has another flavor with stronger mental impacts than genital orgasms.
- After such an intensified action you can begin anew with a relaxed and gentle approach. You can do this many times, and each time your feelings will get stronger and spread to wider areas in your body from your rear region.
There are many ways to caress and stimulate your anorectal region. You can caress yourself or your partner with a finger, you can use a dildo or another smooth long object with a rounded tip. And you can have intercourse using the penis between the cheeks of your partner or insert the penis into the anus.
If you use an object inside the rectum, it must not have a shape and size so that it cannot easily get trapped inside and difficult to get out again. Some special anal dildos have barres that hinder a too deep insertion or a long handle that always will be outside.
It is not necessary to use a very thick object in the anus to get strong feelings. This region is so sensible that even a very thin object gives great responses. A thicker objects will however stretch the muscles more and give a deeper stimulation inside the tissues so that you can experience other feelings than when you use a thin object.
The object you use or the rectal opening must be well lubricated, preferably with a water based lubricator. You can also lubricate dildos and the like with natural oily substances that do not irritate, like vazeline.
When you have sex in the anorectal region, you should be clean. If you want to insert something through the rectum, the anus should be empty. It is not strictly necessary to flush the anus with water before you have anal sex, but some people prefer to do so by a enema syringe. You must use a condom if you or your partner use to have sex with more than only one person or you are not sure you can trust your partner one hundred percent.
Knut Holt is an Internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and eroticism. Please see his web-site to find more health and sex information. There are also presentation of products to enhance sexual satisfaction and to improve health.
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The Lufthansa Tragedy on 24 Mars 2015 - an alternative explanation
On 24 March 2015, an Airbus A320-211, belonging to Lufthansa, crashed 100 kilometres (62 mi) north-west of Nice in the French Alps, after constantly descending from normal cruice altitude, just one minute after a routine contact with flight controle, resulting in 144 passengers and six crew members killed.
The official explanation is that the copilot, which had some mental and domestic problems, ditched the plane purposedly after having locked the door to the cabin for the chief pilot that was out for a toilet visit.
But the official explanation may not be true. The only moment in that explanation that seems to be sure is that the pilot was out of the cabin and struggled to get inside again.
Here is a possible alternative explanantion for this terrible tragedy.
The plane collided with some object, possibly a meteorite or even more possibly with a surveillance drone that was out of controle. There are plenty of those secret drones in the sky nowadays, bot of course nobody will admit they are there.
The plane got injured, but it was not clear how bad the damages were in the first place. The captain went out to the passenger cabin to acertain the situation there.
The copilot locked the cabin door as a security routine, something he was obliged to do, and intended to open it again when the captain went back.
In the meantime the air pressure in the pilot cabin fell dramatically due to the injuries the plane had sustained.
The copilot that now had the responsibility for the flight dived the plane in order to get to a lower altitude with higher air pressure.
When the captain tried to open the door to get into the pilot cabin again, it was impossible due to pressure differances between the passenger cabin and pilot cabin, and possibly also due to other damages. It may also be that the copilot already had lost consciousness due to pressure fall in the cabin and was not able to open.
At some point the copilot in either case lost consciousmess and hence controle over the plane, or the plane was not able to controle due to damages.
Then the plane crashed into a mountain.
There were immediat effords going on to put the blame on the tragedy on the copilot with allegations he dived the plane deliberatedly in a combined homicide and suicide action.
The fact that the blame for the tragedy so early was put on the copilot is by itself a sign that there is some secret ingredient involved in the tragedy, most probably some secret aereal vehicle, of which existense one never will admit.
Knut Holt
For smart information about disease cures, fitness boost and sex techiques, please see his website
Jeg er ikke sikker på at jeg kjøper den foklaringen vi fores med. Det at en så tidlig prøver å legge skylden på annenpiloten virker muggent og tyder på at en prøver å skjule noe, eller er blitt pålagt å skjule noe. Her er en annen forklaring: Flyet kan ha fått en skade på grunn av kollisjon med et objekt, hvorav en hemmelig overvåknibgsdrone er en mulighet. Så kan kapteinen ha gått ut i pasasjerkabinen for å sjekke tilstanden der. Deretter kan trykket i pilotkabinen ha falt drastisk, og annenpiloten kan ha dykker flyet for å komme ned til en høyde med høyere trykk, men mistet bevisstheten og kontrollen på flyet. Trykkforrskjellen mellom pilotkabinen og passasjerkabinen eller andre skader kan ha gjort det vanskelig for kapteinen å åpne døra og komme tilbake til pilotkabinen.
The Zika Virus and Associated Epidemics - How Serious is Really the Situation?
The Zika virus and the associated disease is spreading in the southern parts of America and is also entering USA, creating a great deal of concern. Here are some basic facts about the virus, the epidemic and possible countermeasures.
The zika virus causes a disease that gives fever, rashes, joint pain, malaise, voimiting and red inflamed eyes. Usually the disease does not last more than a week and most often the symptoms are mild.
In rare cases, however, the disease is complicated by a reaction called Guillan-Barre syndrome. This syndrome give muscle weakness, that can progress to paralysis, that even can affect the breathing function. The syndrome can last several weeks or months, and sometimes some of its effects get permanent. In severe cases this syndrome makes it necessary with artificial ventilation and other type of life support for a longer time.
The syndrome is caused by an autoimmune reaction against the nervous system, because the immune defense in some cases mistakes elements of own body for elements of the virus.
If a pregnant woman gets the disease, also the foster can get infected through the placenta, which may cause birth defects. One suspects the virus for causing microcephaly, where the child has an abnormally small head and brain, mental handicaps and risk for early death, but the connection is not surely proven.
One suspects the connection because Brazil had only 147 reported cases of this defect in 2014, while 2400 in 2015, after the spread of the virus, and because many of the mothers reported symptoms of the disease in the early part of the pregnancy. But the Zika virus has been found in only very few of the children.
The virus belongs to the same family as those causing dengue, West Nile disease and chikungunya. It is spread by stings from the mosquito Aedes egypti, and possibly related mosquitoes. It does probably not spread directly between humans, but one cannot exclude totally a spread by blood and semen contact. The incubation time between the mosquito sting and the first symptoms vary from 3 to 12 days, but most infected persons do not get any symptoms.
Since the symptoms of the virus are fairly unspecific, a sure diagnose must be done by probing blood samples for the presence of Zika DNA by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test.
The virus was detected in Africa several decades ago. As by early 2016 the zika virus and the associated disease has spread over most of Latin America, and it has begun invading USA, and there has been sporadic cases in Europa and Asian countries. The epidemic in Asia and America seems to be caused by another subtype of the virus than that endemic in Africa. This epidemic has made the the World Health organization declare international emergency. But based on the usually mild nature of the disease, this move, however, is likely to be an overreaction produced by some degree of mass hysteria.
There are reports in media about the disease steadily getting more serious as it is spreading, but this impression can also be the result of the mass publicity the most serious cases are subjected to.
There is no real treatment against the disease, except medications for relief of pain and fever, and life support when serious complications occur. Patients affected by the disease are advised to rest a lot and drink enough water. By 2016 there is still not any vaccine, but efforts to make a vaccine is under way.
The best prevention for the disease, is to hinder stings from mosquitos. This can be done by mosquito traps in the house, bednets to hold mosquitoes away, and grating at windows to hinder mosquitoes from entering. When one goes outside in areas where the mosquitoes are frequent one can cover the body by clothes and use fragrances of a kind that repulse the insects. If there are dams in the environment where the mosquitoes are breeding, those can be drained. If one has a garden dam or swimming pool one can hinder mosquitoes from breeding by frequent change of water or by sterilizing it with an appropriate measures. If it is possible one can avoid traveling in areas with a high frequency of cases.
To apply any measure possible in order to hinder mosquito stings and thereby infection from this or other diseases that are contagious by mosquito stings can however be both impractical and uncomfortable, and they can make the environment very boring for people living at a place. Also measures to poison larvae can possibly cause irritation, allergic reactions or cancers in humans and animals. One must therefore calculate how far it is wise to go with such measures, and not let a mass hysteria lead to a battery of countermeasures that do more harm than good. It seems to be most important for pregnant women to avoid being infected.
Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer focusing on the health field. At his site there is a lot information useful to improve health and fitness, including slimming and exercise advices. You can also find presentation of products to combat common health issues, to improve fitness and to improve sexual potency and satisfaction.
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