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Date Posted: 22:14:08 03/07/01 Wed
Author: Jalaki
Subject: Re: Dr. Laura *cough cough*allyourbasearebelongtous*cough*
In reply to: jalaki 's message, "Dr. Laura *cough cough*allyourbasearebelongtous*cough*" on 22:05:40 03/07/01 Wed

*comes to stand, facing away with arms extended, underneath a "Y2J" symbol, counting down*


Welcome to...RAW IS JALAKI!!!

First, Dr. Laura, before you become upset and get your little panties in a wad, allow me to apologise to you. Allow me to apologise for being impulsive. All me to apologise for following my heart. It was - it was instinct - it's what I'm all about, and I can't help that - I mean, it's similar to the way that Fred Phelps is referred to each and every week by all these Jalakaholics...as a word that rhymes with 'wussy.' Oh yeah - that's it. Or it's similar to the way that you are a filthy, dirty, disgusting, skanky, brutal, bottom-feeding, trashbag ho...easy, chica - I mean, you can't help it, it's what you do.

Again, I should apologize to Fred Phelps. I mean, you're the head of one of the biggest bigot-filled organizations in the world. You've created this entire phenomenom known as "God Hates Fags". But...you did it all to make up for the fact that you have a very...small...PENIS! It's okay - it's not your fault - it's okay.

And one more apology is necessary. I'd like to apologize to all the filthy, dirty, disgusting, skanky, brutal, bottom-feeding trashbag hos in the world...for even comparing them to the likes of Dr. Laura.

So thank you, and good night.

Jalaki of the Nine Valleys Sept of the Taardad Aiel

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