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Date Posted: 05:30:44 03/18/01 Sun
Author: Marc
Subject: I rented the movie "The Heartbreak Club* from the local super market......

It was really a good movie about a group of friends, several gay guys living in West Hollywood (well worth seeing).

Well, I'm not going to go through the plot and spoil the story for you.

Here is the reason for my post. When I returned the movie, I asked the person working the video rental counter if they have any more alternative lifestyle videos. The clerk looked at me as if I was crazy and asked, "What do you mean?" then read the cover of the video.

I had never, ever, seen a person go so white so fast. The clerk actually began to shake. When I was paying for the next video I was renting the clerk was actually afraid to touch my money, picking it up by the tinyest bit of the corner. And when I held out my hand with a bunch of change for the person to just pick out the coins needed I thought the clerk was going to pass out.

The movie has no pornographic content. It has virtually no nuidity. There is no graphic sex. The language is mild even for television standards. In short, it is a good clean movie.

Now, my question is:

When I go back to that Market, will that movie still be on the shelf?

Will they remove it without even seeing it is a clean movie, or will they just assume that it is a porn flick?

What do you think about it?
What would you do in a similar situation?

Thanks for your time, and your input.......

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