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Date Posted: 06:12:00 12/31/02 Tue
Author: Marc
Subject: Gay Writers' Guild Announcement

The Board of Directors of the Gay Writer's Guild would like to announce to any and all interested parties that we are in the process of streamlining and upgrading our presence on the web, by a number of changes that we feel are in the best interest of the guild.

As of Saturday, December 28, 2002 the Board of Directors of the Gay Writers' Guild was no longer in control of the content of the websites, gaywritersguild.org or gaywritersguild.net, due to a glitch in the relocation of our servers. As a result, the content of these sites will not be updated, pending further notice.

In order to access any new additions to the GWG archives please go to gaywritersguild.info. Once the transition has been completed, you will be able to reach the GWG through any of our six domain names.

1. gaywritersguild.org
2. gaywritersguild.net
3. gaywritersguild.com
4. gaywritersguild.info
5. gaywritersguild.biz
6. gaywritersguild.us.fm

We are also redesigning the site so that it is more user-friendly and easier to access by persons with various disabilities in accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act.

It is our intention to enable the site to better reflect the mission statement of the Gay Writer's Guild, to provide a usable resource for gay genre authors in a clean, safe environment.

We would also like to thank all of those who have helped and supported us through the three years we have been on-line. It has been you, the authors and readers of The Gay Writers' Guild that has given us a reputation for excellence unparalleled anywhere on the Internet.

At this time, we regret that we are obliged to announce the resignation of long time board member, Christian. We will miss his diligence and steadfast devotion to the guild. Ever will we leave the door open for his anxiously awaited and most welcome return.

While we are in a state of transition, moving to our new servers we ask your patience. If you are an active author and require posting new work, please send E-Mail with the attached file to GWGMail@cs.com. Be sure to put "Submission" along with the title of the story and chapter number if applicable into the subject box. Also, be sure to include your return E-Mail address within the body of the correspondence.

All other E-Mail should also be addressed to GWGMail@cs.com and please include a brief description in the subject box.

Thanks again to all the readers and writers for standing with us as we move forward into a bigger and brighter future.

The Gay Writer's Guild
Board of Directors

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