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Date Posted: 08:30:33 01/15/01 Mon
Author: Jalaki
Subject: Re: Debate Time
In reply to: Pat 's message, "Debate Time" on 07:54:47 01/15/01 Mon

>Ok lets Start With Something small first (since im new
>at this)....Now before i start, recpect what other ppl
>say please.
>ok here we go: *MUSIC*
>A lot of people, diffrent ages, have diffrent tastes
>in music, there are lots of styles of music and
>artists these days. They prefer their own styles, why
>is that? Is it that u think Boybands are crappy and
>they cant sing? has pop taken over the world? is elvis
>really dead? And whats with the latest beatles and
>nsync craze? :-) Do really think the backstreet Boys
>will last for a long time? And The Cure, do u even
>call that music? and emmien the famos rapper that
>everyone hates for his lyrics and at how he
>behaves....ok guys what's your opinion about All this?

Well, well, well. Hehehe.

I'm gonna have to go with Nigel on this one. Everyone has their own preferences & tastes in music, just as they have their own preferences & tastes in virtually everything else. I, for example, do not care for the Backstreet Boys. I do enjoy The Cure on the occasion, and am an 'NSync fan as well as an avid Eminem fan...(and about this issue, you don't have to believe what he says to like the music...) But myself I really have a very open mind for music, there are few songs/styles that I do not like, and there is not a single genre of music that doesn't have at least one song I do like.

But hey, everyone knows I'm screwed up in the head so who's gonna listen to me, right?

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