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Date Posted: 10:24:01 01/15/01 Mon
Author: Bubba
Subject: The everlasting cycle.
In reply to: Pat 's message, "Debate Time" on 07:54:47 01/15/01 Mon

Okay, here is a thought on music, styles and fads. Lots of people go thru phases in their lives. And nothing shows the cycle of fads better than boybands. For example, does anyone remember The New Kids On The Block. What ever happenen to them. They had no individual talent, yet when they were together, and singing, the girls went crazy. Then they grew up, and aren't heard from anymore. Bobby Brown came on the scene about that time. And he is even rarely seen although he is behind allot of the groups today.

Lets look back at my high school years, and Debbie Gidson was a one hit wonder, now we have Brittany Spears, the 18yo with a boob job. Thanks to Janet Jackson she can at least dance.

Ricky Martin is another Fad, many came before him, and lots are to follow in his foot steps.

But why do people like these bands. Knowing that groups hardly ever stick together like in the old days, such as the Beatles, the four tops, or even Van Halen, Rush, Journey, The musicians/singers these days are looking for their own fame and fortune. Quality of music is lost and then they are not heard from ever again, because once you make a mistake in the music industry, no one will produce you under their label. Once in a blue moon, there is one person that makes it to the big time, but that is very rare. I think everyone likes the music, wether or not it is good, just so they can say they have been a fan all along.

Let's see, I am really rambling here, Yes Elvis is dead, but his spirit lives on in his music, and will touch people forever. The Beatles are a good example of this given the latest beatle mania going on now.

N'sync, well, I am sorry, but they are NOT that cute.

Don't mess with the Cure, or U2!!!!

Eminem, well, he is an asshole in my opinion, and his music reflects that very point of view. I don't think he has any talent, and he will not last much longer, thank goodness. I predict he will either be dead, or in jail by the end of the year.

Well, I hope I got everything, and it was not too much of a babble!!!

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  • Hiya..European viewpoints needed? -- Simon, 14:04:22 01/15/01 Mon

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