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Date Posted: 06:34:19 01/16/01 Tue
Author: crz
Subject: and MoTown - does anyone besides me love MoTown and what about girl singers?
In reply to: Pat 's message, "Debate Time" on 07:54:47 01/15/01 Mon

Does anyone like Macy Gray? I love to put on her CD and just drive! (i know - people say if she ever cleared her thraot her career would be over - but just listen to that beat - she WROTE that stuff!!)

Sarah McLaughlin (when I'm feeling sad - I CANT listen to Sarah much anymore - reminds me of old relationships - you know know that is. HAHA) Sarah KNOWS all about love - she says what I feel.

Allanis Morrisette (I've gone every concert anywhere near me - she has amazing live shows and inspires me as a song writer to write my truth)

Jewel - the old Jewel before she got religion(God that song Foolish Games - "you took your coat off and stood in the rain, you were always crazy like that" - that song is sooo like someone - but we made up! haha

Tara McLean (jordan)
aimee mann (wise up - from the soundtrack of that movie Magnolia)
Fisher (I will love you & True North)

Download some of those off napster and see if you like them.

Does anyone else love Irish music?? It's one of my greatest passions. I love female Irish vocalists - like Cranberries and Sinead O'Connor (and Fisher)

I saw this band live once called Floggin Mollie - a punk Irish band! haha They were awesome.
Black 47 is one of my favorite bands. The only thing I liked about the Titanic was the Irish music and dancing! haha.

If you know any cool Irish bands or female singers in the same type as above, let me know so I can download their songs.

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