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Date Posted: Saturday, July 31, 02:23:33am
Author: Vallis
Subject: Re: Music
In reply to: vampwisher 's message, "Re: Music" on Friday, July 30, 01:51:04pm

Try venturing out, checking out music that you haven't really ever heard. Try taking what you like now, looking at the types of music that they were influenced by, and listen to that.

Otherwise, i'm partial to the new Lamb of God. :P

>i just like to be versitile and i havnt ever really
>been able to find anything other than mainstream shit
>i downloaded a bunch of stuff last night that ive
>never herd of.. i still like mainstream but then i
>want something of my very own ya know?
>>Really, if you enjoy listening to mainstream bands,
>>then why change? Just because they're mainstream?
>>I listen to anything I like. Hell i'd buy a polka CD
>>if I enjoyed how it sounds.
>>What kind of music are you into? Or what kind of
>>influences are you looking to get?
>>>can anyone recomend cool bands for me to download all
>>>ive been eposed to is mainstream and whatnot and im
>>>tired of it i want something ive never had the
>>>privelage to listen to but i need names and stuff so
>>>uh if anyone could help it would be much apreaciated.

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