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Date Posted: Thursday, October 21, 01:05:17am
Author: Maverick
Subject: Re: myspace.com
In reply to: Awdrey Gorey 's message, "Re: myspace.com" on Wednesday, October 20, 11:11:18pm

Fortunately or unfortunately there aren't that many events to attend. We only host 2 club nights a month. So saving money on going out here is very doable. Unless you are a cafe whore like me. Then there's shopping online and lurking in record shops. Im so irresponsible.

I just got in a minute ago and saw your News Letter Email, by the time you read this you will be all signed up and see the confirmation in your Inbox.

Looking forward to meeting you!


>Thank you for taking the time to actually look for me
>on myspace. When you go to the search tab, you won't
>find me with the "Search MySpace Profiles". There's a
>"Find Someone You Know" just below that where you can
>type in a name or e-mail address, and if you type in
>"Awdrey Gorey" there, I will come up.
>I have tried to sign up for the newsletter, but I keep
>having problems with it. I e-mailed someone about it,
>but I haven't gotten a response yet. It's fun to go
>to events and meet people, but there's still the daily
>monotony to break up...and the lack of money to pay
>for gas and events more than once in a while, since
>part of the reason that I moved here is to try to save
>some money for a while...
>>I just tried looking for you on myspace and they said
>>there was no match. Though to help you out a little
>>you can sign up for the news letter on here and
>>they'll send you all the info from the events coming

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