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Date Posted: Friday, October 22, 12:45:53am
Author: KiM
Subject: Re: Ministry & Thrill Kill in Santa Cruz
In reply to: antimusick 's message, "Re: Ministry & Thrill Kill in Santa Cruz" on Thursday, October 21, 06:29:33pm

heh, for someone who talks so much shit on fg you seem to be pretty fond of it.

>Jello was at the SF show and they did a few Lard
>I mean lard... I've been listening to the new reissues
>Early Trax and Side Trax
>>I went to that show here in Cincinnati. It was
>>awesome, although Ministry got a bit too political. I
>>guess it's to be expected with the upcoming election,
>>and all. Thrill Kill Kult was a huge 80s flashback.
>>They were dressed 80s and even danced 80s. lol TKK
>>really should have gone first in the line up though.
>>At the show I went to, Hanzel und Gretyl went first,
>>then TKK, then Ministry. TKK's music really broke up
>>the energy after HuG.
>>After the show, I hung out with Hanzel und Gretyl and
>>they told me Jello Biafra has been touring off and on
>>with Ministry this tour. Unfortunately, he was going
>>to be at the show AFTER Cincinnati, so I didn't get to
>>see him. But if you guys are lucky, you just might
>>get a Jello treat! I definitely recommend the show.
>>---Kat ]:)
>>>I want to attend that badly.
>>>>Nov. 18, 04 Ministry & My Life w/ Thrill Kill Cult
>>>>will be in Santa Cruz @ the Catalyst... tix are
>>>>including fee. doors @ 8:30, show @ 9:30. I'm
>>>>to ride share/roadtrip with someone... I can help
>>>>gas and intoxication. sexual favors extra.

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