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Date Posted: Tuesday, November 16, 04:54:37pm
Author: Mario
Subject: Anyone want to speak to a college class about fetishes/alternative sexual behaviors?

The reason why I write this is because I’m currently enrolled in a Human Sexuality class and I chose to do my final project (with a group of several others) about “abnormal” sexual behavior. In the presentation we will be discussing different fetishes, toys, cultural sexual behaviors, showing clips from several titles (Secretary, Fetishes – documentary, as well as probably some porn movies, and other titles I’m sure…or if you have recommendations let me know). I would really like to have someone speak to the class, possibly bring in some props (or anything else for that matter) and talk about what they’re into, stories, alternative sexual lifestyles, fetishes, fetish parties, or anything having to deal with abnormal sexual behavior. So if you or someone you know might be interested in speaking to a class of college students about this I would be thrilled. This is going to take place in early December on a Wednesday night at about 6:30. Or if you could point me in the direction of someone who would be interesting in doing this please let me know, anything would be appreciated! Unfortunately I will not be able to pay you for your time, but you can advertise any parties/shows to a class full of college kids if you’d like, or hand out business cards/flyers for whatever it is you want. Once again, thank you very much.

- Mario – Freelance Designer - www.robotplague.com
- Respond to this thread or email me at robotplague@yahoo.com

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