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Date Posted: Thursday, December 09, 09:32:12pm
Author: Maverick
Subject: Re: Party location suggestion
In reply to: GL 's message, "Party location suggestion" on Wednesday, December 08, 06:59:03am

There was/is this goth club in Detroit that operates out of their local Radisson or Ramada, something like that. Anyways, ive looked into the whole "ballroom" thing at these places/hotels and can not afford a rental. they make a killing on the rental AND at the bar! and two, most of these facility rentals want you out by midnight. PLUS most of them dont allow for public events, only private parties like school dances or wedding receptions, public events where you charge at the door are not allowed, at least thats been my experience at the places ive been to. There are lots of details that make hotel facilities not very desirable for a "club" because of the corporate red tape you have to deal with, unfortunately. Seriously, ive explored more options than you could imagine. had i kept a written list of all the places ive been to in town trying to get a night going there i could probably fill up a few lined sheets of binder paper. but were happy with club Dance and Futureshockk. that will remain the same.

but thanks for the idea, please keep them coming!


>I was just thinking, why not try to book something at
>the bar in the airport Piccadilly Inn.
>It's not a usual place for people like us and ifpeople
>want to keep the party going they can get a room.

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