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Date Posted: Tuesday, April 12, 08:06:19pm
Author: DevlinPierce
Subject: Re: How is the scene in Frenso??
In reply to: Gummyghoul 's message, "Re: How is the scene in Frenso??" on Monday, April 11, 06:56:02pm

For the old classic style homes check out the areas around the Tower District, and Old Fig Garden areas...I think you will be happy with what you find.


>Thanks for the info Mav. I'm not jaded or anything
>even though I'm used to NYC. Its a huge relief just to
>know that there are things to do in Fresno, since I
>may be moving there for work.
>Seems like housing is real cheap (compared to NYC
>anyway). Are there any old gothic style houses? When I
>look at rentals and houses online I mostly see new
>prefab non-spooky stuff.
>>Big bands like that? not really. but
>>NIN just kicked their tour off here in Fresno. LA is
>>only 4 hours away and SF 3. Nina Hagen plays in SF &
>>the Bay Area often. SFgoth.com has a good "at the
>>clubs" Email list which lists all the bay area shows &
>>club dates. i saw Siouxsie play at the El Rey Theatre
>>back in 98 in LA. living in Fresno LA, SF, the Beach
>>and Mountains aren't at all that far away. our scene
>>is growing and we throw monthly parties in addition to
>>our club Futureshockk. its not this kick ass
>>metropolitan city here, but the scene is better here
>>than just a few years ago, and the big cities are just
>>a few hours away. so its not that fucking bad. and
>>Psychobilly bands, there are a few rockabilly &
>>psychobilly bands that have came through here. my best
>>friend sings for the Deadutantes and did a show with
>>the Mutilators here in Fresno last year. and there's a
>>good Psychobilly scene in the Bay Area and down in LA.
>>punk bands come often. TSOL played here last year and
>>Agent Orange played here not that long ago. check out
>>the Fresno punk site too

>>>I'm considering moving to Fresno from New York City
>>>for work reasons, I'm curious to hear about clubs and
>>>shows in Fresno. Do bands like the Cramps, Siouxsie,
>>>Nina Hagen, or any psychobilly bands ever play in

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