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Subject: forum start up 010115 - what I have in mind

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Date Posted: 02:17:02 01/15/01 Mon

I live in a wild part of british columbia and over my life have spent an inordinate amount of time in the bush. I have devoted an equal amount of time to studying exactly how these ecosystems work. What I would like is discourse with folks having a similar orientation. I am myself an environmentalist but don't want to talk environmentalism, any more, burn't out you know. If there are any genuine anamists about I could get into that i suppose.
for starters, one of my heroes is william pruitt "wild harmony" winnipeg free press, for his extraordinary integration of small mammal life and gas exchange rates under the snow with birch seedburst and northern owl survivability. gulp. Formozov the russian was a cool guy too

I hope there is someone out there. A neat thing happened the other day...

Subject: alchoholic migrants swamp natives in lillooet bc

A birdwatcher all my 55 years (about) and I'ev only seen this happen twice before. The jays towhees nutcrackers and all
the other "natives" that stay here all winter were enjoying christmas as usual. Stealing dogfood, teasing cats, you know, the
regular midwinter - avoid cabin fever sort of shenanigans we all delight in.
Then whamo. Hoards of migrating robins and starlings mostly, hundreds of them took over the neigborhood, a cold front in
prince george i suppose. well it's hard to intimidate the lillooet natives but within 24 hours it was evident that the robins at
least were outstandingly aggresive and in fact had a bit of that pg biker bravado that just didn't ring true to their normal
nature. I mean since when do robins run in packs and put the run on jays and nutcrackers ?? Just not right... something was
First beer run next morning 10 am sharp the mystery was solved. 40 robins huddled at the base of a mountain ash tree, too
drunk to do more than stare at me from 6 feet away looking like a few folks I'ev seen somewhere else. I suppose the ash
berries froze and thawed off and on for 3 months and developed a bit of a kick. I know the 20 gal of wine we made from
them had just that. Anyway in 2 days that hoard ate damn near every berry left in town, and then left town.
Cheers from a canuck.

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transportationlillooet17:32:29 10/07/02 Mon

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