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Subject: What's the point?? (I'm serious)

No one
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Date Posted: 08:33:31 03/23/02 Sat


The one little point you've all been missin is...
even though I know everyone who reads this is the biggest bestest fan of the guys...

    By sharing our guys music online, the people who are not the biggest bestest fans will be able to go and get it for free...

    The point is not that YOU go and buy it anyway,

    The point is that everyone who won't be buying it will be able to steal it and possess it and not have to buy it.

    The point is you should never point your finger lest it should be pointed back at you.

    The point is how many of you have one or two songs from some other bands and never bought the album?? Not because you didn't like it... but because you were too cheap to go and buy the whole cd, yet were satisfyed with ripping off the singles??

That's the point.


It's not really right to lay the blame down... it won't change the fact that the whole cd will be flooding the internet on the 9th... that's a fact jack, ain't holding nothing back... it only takes one bozo to make the whole thing an epidemic. Stopping the fans won't stop the stupidity even though it could put a dent in it... LOL!!

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[> Subject: Re: What's the point?? (I'm serious)

No one
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Date Posted: 08:51:43 03/23/02 Sat

And by the way... I am waiting for Christmas to get my hands on it... and... Christmas comes on April 9th this year and I don't have to cook dinner for any cheesey relatives! YIPPEE!!

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[> Subject: Re: What's the point?? (I'm serious)

Scooby Goo
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Date Posted: 10:00:14 03/23/02 Sat

I have already ordered mine, lol! Oh and Christmas for me will be the day they play my venue! CAN'T WAIT!

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[> Subject: Re: What's the point?? (I'm serious)

An American Goo
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Date Posted: 13:28:10 03/23/02 Sat

How much you wanna bet those finger pointers have it downloaded, they just don't talk about it. What a bunch of hypocrites. How did they even know it was there? I mean how/why are they even going to those places? Policing? Hmmm that means they would of had to download the program to even perform a search. Don't use it? ROTFLOL! CMA!

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[> [> Subject: Re: What's the point?? (I'm serious)

An American
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Date Posted: 13:30:05 03/23/02 Sat

P.S. That's like saying you smoked, but didn't inhale! Uh HUH! RIGHT?

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[> Subject: Re: What's the point?? (I'm serious)

I Love the way you smack my GOO
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Date Posted: 15:54:45 03/23/02 Sat

So, whats your point?

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[> [> Subject: Re: What's the point?? (I'm serious)

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Date Posted: 16:34:50 03/23/02 Sat

Whats the point?!! WHATS THE POINT?!! Have ya not been payin attention ya brillow brain? The point bein only the REAL FANS dont download. We are REAL FANS and we can wait until the real cd comes out. Its kind of like waitin for the right person to loose your virginity to. Ya dont just do it prematurely, ya wait. And since I am a REAL FAN, I will wait. Granted I have downloaded other bands music, but I am not a REAL FAN of those bands. Can your tiny little pea brain figure out what kind of fan ya are if ya cant wait?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: What's the point?? (I'm serious)

An American Goo
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Date Posted: 14:38:34 03/24/02 Sun

Uh, what kind of crack have you been smokin'?

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