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Subject: Pissed off and freaking out!! My site is G-O-N-E!!

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Date Posted: 08:15:02 07/04/02 Thu

oh wait... it's back again... fuckin A!! now it's gone...

I think it does this on purpose!! Can today get any worse? Would you all like to hear about my bad day?? Cause I can spend a couple hours typing up everything from how stupid my other half is, and how all my utilities are about to be shut off... to what my horrid (but amazingly cute) pets are doing.

I just checked and my site is back... WHEW!! I thought I was going to have to call people up and threaten them. LOL!! If only I had a new video card for my stupid computer, *hint hint* and some front row tickets.. *hint hint* After all, I deserve it for being the best... OH CRAP, it's gone again. I HATE THIS BULLSHIT!! I DONT EVEN KNOW IF THIS IS ALL WORTH IT!! *hinty hint-hint*

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[> Subject: Re: Pissed off and freaking out!! My site is G-O-N-E!!

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Date Posted: 12:32:51 07/04/02 Thu

Why oh WHY does such bad crap have to happen to such great people? Let's see here . . . what can I do to help . . . could I send some money? I know once I say I am sending you money . . the rest of the peeps here won't want to look bad . . so they'll all send you some cash too! WAIT A MINUTE!!! I've got just the gift for you No one! I hear that Johnny wants to have some kids . . and even though I SO want to have the womb that bears his youngin's . . . I am going to give YOU that honor! Aren't I nice? Aren't I generous? Hopefully, just like with the money thing, the rest of our fif family will offer up that privelege to you too!

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[> Subject: Re: Pissed off and freaking out!! My site is G-O-N-E!!

Scooby Goo
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Date Posted: 21:07:11 07/05/02 Fri

Yeah, i tried to get here and got this big notice....I tried to refresh continually, but my family got pissed off because they were outside lighting the family fireworks, and i was in here banging away ( not THAT banging away! ) trying to get it to come up ( not that! ), and yelling, "JUST A FRIGGIN" MINUTE HERE! I"M ON MY WAY OUT REALLY!!!!! ) Some people just don't get it , do they?!! Thank GOD you are back. I don't what i would do with my days!! LOL! *snort snort*

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