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Subject: Mandalay Bay Review ala GooCam

Scooby Goo
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Date Posted: 11:18:46 09/11/02 Wed

What an exciting day! Where do I begin? First off I called in sick. I make a decent living and could afford the day off, I mean what the heck?!! It's all about the music right?!!

So I popped myself a HUGE bowl of popcorn and parked myself in front of my beloved computer to revel in the doing's d'Goo.

Nine am came and went. Nothing....no problem...Robby and Myoko must be putting the finishing touches on it, reading instructions, swearing, who knows? At 9:05 I start to panic. What if my computer isn't getting it? What if all those other Goobers are looking at it and I am in the wrong place? I open 2 more windows just to be sure...and hour passes.

My Grandma calls and wants a ride to the DR. because she thinks she's having a stroke. "No, Grams, I am watching the Goo's and don't want to miss a thing" I tell her. "Can you take a buss?" My family just doesn't understand how important this was. I unplug the phone so that won't happen again.

So after another hour of constant refreshing....viola!!! I now have GooCam! "What the hell is that? ", I say..."A friggin' chicken?!! Okay...I'm cool with the chicken...maybe he's in the concert rider...organic egg supplier....whatever. But the thing is...the chicken is not moving. Don't chickens move? I am no chicken expert, but I really think chickens move. I am becoming confused.

Refresh, refresh, refresh, whoa here we go! Hold on tight, here comes Goo! A view! A beautiful crisp clear picture of some railing and boxes! This is getting exciting! I am loving this! Boxes whoohoo! Railing whoohoo! A blurry shadow! Hmmmm.....

Hours later, more boxes and something new! A blue tarp! Yes, you heard me correctly a blue tarp! I think a box may have been moved too! I think I might have seen Jason too, maybe. The action is almost too much.

Hours later. I think Vanessa may be playing playing now, but I am not sure. There's a blob and it seems to move every once in a while. Don't hold me to it.

An hour later. Hmmm it's darker by the railing now and brighter way in the back! That must be the stage? Hmmmm.... bright lights....maybe TEB is on?!! If there was sound maybe, just maybe I would know.

OMG! I see two shadows! Two people are standing in front of the GooCam, but I have no idea who it is! Just for Goo sake I imagine them to be Goos. It's hard, but after much convincing I believe them to be Goos. Perhaps Robby or Mike. Either that or "Pirates" trying to seize the moment and say "Hi!" to their Moms or girlfriends or something.

Then it is dark again. It is late and I am sleepy...but I force myself to stay up and catch my favorite band. Blobs move, alot of action, but mostly unidentifiable. I have lost sight of the blue tarp. Still no sound. I am growing a little disapointed. I choke it off. I think the Goo's are playing but I am not sure. Something is happening off in the distance. Yes, I do think the Goos are playing! I am loving this GooCam! It was exhausting all the imagining and blob deciphering, I had to stop watching, it was just too much....It was everything in a webcam I wanted it to be. I can't wait for the next one. I think I will try to save it my Realplayer or something, so I can watch it again and again. Maybe there's a secret message I missed or something? Did you guys watch? No One did you save frames to post on a Goo page? Maybe a screensaver? Can't wait to see what you guys thought!

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