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Subject: Re: e-Bay's a swimmin' with fakes...be advised...!?!

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Date Posted: 11:23:54 03/07/01 Wed
In reply to: No one 's message, "Re: e-Bay's a swimmin' with fakes...be advised...!?!" on 15:52:34 03/06/01 Tue

AAAKKKK!!! You got to touch John's feet? Was he concious? What were they like? How big were they? How big was his big toes? ( you know what that means- wink wink! ) You HAVE to tell us the excruciating details!!! I want your autograph! Can i sit next to you at the luncheon? - Just put me between you and Felix, okay? Have i mentioned that you rock? Oh and i think you rule too, girlfriend! ( you are a girl aren't you? )

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: e-Bay's a swimmin' with fakes...be advised...!?!

No one
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Date Posted: 19:17:25 03/07/01 Wed

Yes I touched his feet!! And I havn't washed my hands since then!! About a month after I touched his feet my hands stopped smelling like his feet!! :( Unfortunately!! and started to smell like other things.. I guess next time I will have to wear rubber gloves after I touch them to protect them from what I have to touch afterwards.. So they keep that "Johnny's foot smell" longer!!
And yes I am a girl.
You rock too girlfriend.. (you are a girl too, aren't you?)
No one

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: e-Bay's a swimmin' with fakes...be advised...!?!

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Date Posted: 09:09:34 03/08/01 Thu

I wish we could somehow capture that "Johnny's foot smell" and maybe bottle it or something. Next time you get near those God-like feet No One, I think you know what to do . . . artificially duplicate it! I think I know a few desperate honeys that would even pre-order it (if you know what I mean!!)! You guys both rock!! P.S. I'm a girl too!!

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: foot unpleasant smell

s.k.kim (deodorant insole)
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Date Posted: 02:56:30 06/15/07 Fri

Lots of people are suffered from the unpleasant feet smell, athlete's foot,

mold fungus and etc. The excellent insole made of 4 layers is the best

product for keeping feet from getting moldy, deodorization and the

far-infraredray effect.

The organ in body is connected to the specific reflex points on each feet.

As soon as you walk in any kinds of foowear with the excellent insole in

around an hour, It does not ugly smell from your feet and you feel freshing.

Once you wear, you should not worry about the ugly odour and satisfied

with its additional effectiveness as described below.

a). Unpleasant smell on the foot is removed in an hour after walking at first time.

b). Dry athlete¡¯s feet gets better condition in around 20 days

c). The dry and rough feet becomes softened by the smooth blood circulation of feet.

d). It is also effective for the diabetic feet ulcer.

e). Occasional convulsive fit on the calf is scarce.

f). The vein on the calf is somewhat disappeared

g). Impact release on walking.

h). You feel vigorous on your legs.

If you are interested in our Excellent Insole (semi-life long use), please let us

offer to you.

Excellent Insole (Slipsole Comprising Functional Bioceramic Layer)

Patent Application No. 2007-87

thanks and regards/s.k.kim , Bio Tech in Korea

you can get more information at http://www.wonjinco.co.kr

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