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Date Posted: Wed 01/21/04 - 4:47:22 PM
Author: utradioguide.com
Subject: Artie
In reply to: Drake 's message, "Re: Is it time to close the board?" on Wed 01/21/04 - 3:37:07 PM

It's not a threat. It's just a descision. I think it makes best sense, but I wanted a bit of input from the users, and I appreciate that, from everybody.

As for Artie, let me lay it out for you. I did not want a site that's purpose was to ruin people. I didn't even know people at Simmons Media even knew that these sites existed.

The whole Artie mini-fiasco was a lesson in journalism to me. In 2001 when I started, I had zero experience in journalism. I'm still pretty lousy at it now, but most's standards. But it's a hobby, and it's been fun.

If you want to do a better job, I'd be more than happy to tell you how to do it for under $49.

My provider is Doteasy.com. You can get a domain name for $25 a year, which includes 20 MB of ad-free web space, at no monthly charge. Go down to the discount bin at CompUSA and get some web editor program. Type up some news, FTP it onto your site, and VIOLA!

If anyone starts a radio page up, I'd be happy to give them a link on my page.

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