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Subject: Slobadan Milosovic

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Date Posted: 18:24:23 12/15/02 Sun

This man is pure evil. He used the media to gain support for his radical dictatorship rule. He is an evil evil man, guilty of the genocide charge put to him to be european courts at te haugue. How can we let people believe that ethnic cleansing and racial reforms are the way into solving a countrys problems. Its not right and its not fair, no one deserves to be killed and hunted just for belonging to a certain race or religion. People should have respect for the other humans around them weather they be black, Jewish, Afhghanistani, Pakistani or any other person. We alldeserve the same rights and choices within life. Those that oppress others should really really think about their whole situations. No one set of people deserve to be racially or normaly discriminated against. People have many different beliefs and veiws in this world and i think its safe to say non of us are ever going to be right. We need to tolerise those who think differently to us, we all have a right to believe in the things we do, however, some people do take this to far.

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Re: Slobadan Milosovickirkt23:44:19 12/16/02 Mon

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