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Subject: lock up your food cause here comes the glutton

Tarquin 'L' Woodsorrel
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Date Posted: 11:47:03 05/10/03 Sat

a tallish horse strode into a clearing singing a odd tune his apearence comical bits of twigs and mud cling to strange places in his anatomy his mane wild and unruley a stern look apon his normally grinning face "confound i've gone and bally well lost meself in this blinkin forest a fine muddle i've got meself into and now to think of it" he licked his lips and searched around for some food "ah i might as well go and compose a jolly old ballad to all the good things in life and me old stomach knows whot i mean and their can only be one thing and that be me food!" he srtuck a what he called valient pose and sang a song as he walked along that he had just composed

"if i where some food i sit and brood
Amid the earth and clay-o
'Till some beasti threw me away-o
Lolly too diddle um
Rinky do skiddle ouff!"

he fell flat on his face as he tripped over a up turned root he and right infront of him was a patch of grass he hastily got up and began to tear away at the food he then stopped and said aloud "well i guess my blinkin ballad will 'ave to what wot wot" he resumed his eating unaware that other horses lived in this vicinity

Name:Tarquin 'L' Woodsorrel


Color:Dappled grey


Species:equine (thurobred/andalusion)

personality:easy going and comical but when danger lurks or threatens he is a terrible fighter

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