~the flame licked stud cantered up to the two, sliding to a halt. his honey glazed tail slashed across his hinds as he bowed a greeting to the two. his emeralds swept across the mare, admiring her beauty.~
hello Ace, hello m'lady. i am Sheriff, may i ask thee dubbance, or are thou simply named angel?
Date Posted:12:22:42 05/16/03 Fri
~ young stallion came over he nodded in greeting to his friends. ~ hello, m'lady, i am phantom Rebel, a.k.a Rebs. I have come to ask if you will join my herd, but first, your name? ~ he said ~
~the steed smiled, his emeralds danced with kindness as he arched his nape, his honey licked banner raising behind him.~
Bliss, what a sweet name for just the sound brings bliss to my heart. are you in need of a home m'lady? i live in a desert, but i know of a grand oasis full of beauty. my harem is small as of yet for i just took control of it.
Date Posted:05:17:07 05/22/03 Thu And I, m'lady Bliss, live in a beautiful forest, and one part of it I know is the prettiest part of it all. He smiles, mind racing back towards his herd and the one spot that he really liked./\