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Subject: }.{The secret of the fire within the blowing wind}.{

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Date Posted: 22:05:36 05/25/03 Sun

the sky was a pale orange the air froze on when it fell from ones nares. A huge bay surveyed his group then cast a glance at the riseing sun and spoke "today we fight the enemy is all around us and we are out numbered and their is probaly no chance of us surviveing the day we are bound to die" the mighty stallion paused and looked at the ragged and tiered yet grim and determined faces of his group he spoke again "but hear this we will not give in! today we will die with honor! we die with glory! We will not go quietly into the night We will not dissapear we will not conquered!Let them tell stories of our last stand against evil! let them sing our songs of praise!" a mighty cheer arose from the group they where ready to die the youngest of them walked over to the leader and spoke quietly "Lord no matter how slim the chance there is still hope" the stallion smiled at the young mare "Windfire their is no chance for us today the darkforest will welcome us readily enough" Windfire bristled "lord we can win! let me lead the charge instead of ye lord i can fight in this battle!" the leader smiled then froze "Windfire they are here!" and surronding the little group hundereds of black horses came to kill the small beleagured group. They was galvanized into action and as the sun rose a sea of evil pounded twords a island of good. As the battle raged on more and more fell till onley two where left alive as more evil reserves came the leader roared to Windfire "So we are left alive eh Windfire? lets give them something to remember us by eh?" the young mare grinned and two voices roared in unison "EUUULIIIIAAAA" as the sea of black closed in. The leader turned to Windfire once more as the evils moved in and spoke "Windfire this is for yeh own good" he reared and struck Windfire in the head stunning her. Windfire collapsed to the ground to the evils it looked as if the good lord had killed the other in desperation. The leader roared to the evils a red battle light in his eyes "Come now scum like ye shouldnt be walkin the earth if ye kill me i'll take as many of ye with me to the dark forest!" the black horde charged twords the leader of the lights as he roared above the din "YOU'LL NEVER GET ME HAHA HA HAH AHAH HA" laughing maniacly as he was pulled under by the horde of evils. A lone crow hopped aroound and pecked at the mangled body of a ounce proud bay it hoped over to a dapple grey one and pecked it squawking in fright it flew off as Windfire arose and saw destruction and d.eath every where she saw the body of her friends but when she saw the battle scene of her lord she wept. Bodies where scattered every where and amid a pile of dea.d evils her lord lay a triumphant grin apon his features. Windfire turned and shook her head dispelling a tear that had threatened to fall. None had been spared on either except she. Windfire stared out into the sun and murmered "Rest well my friends" she turned and galloped away from that place into Diamond heights murmuring the names of her fallen comrades.

Breed:mustang and ?
Color: Dapple grey
Nickname:Secret or WindFire

}.{The secret of the fire within the blowing wind}.{

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[> Subject: /\shuffle the deck/\

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Date Posted: 05:58:13 05/26/03 Mon

/\Paint brute canters up to the fae and dips his dial in greeting. Hello m'lady, I'm ace of Spades or Ace. You can join my harem if you wish. My son, /decker, is going to lead it soon.,/i> He stands still, only his tail flicking the inocent air./\

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[> [> Subject: }.{The Secret Of The Fire Within The Wind}.{

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Date Posted: 10:05:06 05/26/03 Mon

she looked at the stallion her brown eyes misty she spoke "Lord i do not know your son nor do i know you" she paused her eyes hardend "i will not go with any one yet" she folded her delicate ears against her crania and spoke her voice laced with warning "try and make me go i will not give in easily" she raised her head high looking at the stallion square in the eye, her heart beating rapidly

((ooc: you may force her to go with you if you like))

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[> [> [> Subject: §Bad Boys Bad Boys Watcha Gonna Do§

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Date Posted: 11:24:02 05/26/03 Mon

~the flame streaked brute cantered elegantly up to the fae and Ace. a halt was given before the two and he bowed in greeting. their words caught his auds, but his posture nor emotion changed. he rose from his bow, his emeralds sweeping across the vixen. her orbs held an untold horror, yet victory. her frame told of unknown hardships, yet strength. her spirit told it all. his emerald hued orbs danced with kindness, yet behind the friendly sheild lurked a fire. his honey glazed banner was held high behind him, his maw finally parting to emit a deep, yet welcoming voice.~

hello m'lady. there is no need for you to be forced any where. if you wish you could always wander around before deciding. forgive me, i almost forgot my manners. i am called Sheriff, and i reign over Trouble's harem. i am a young stallion at only five winters. my lands are harsh desert areas, and my herd is small, but despite all that i have good qualities. what they are is for you to decide. you do not know me and i do not know you, so why not start now? may i ask your calling, and perhaps if you like, some of your past?

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[> [> [> Subject: }.{The Secret Of The Fire Within The Wind}.{

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Date Posted: 11:42:40 05/26/03 Mon

the mare looked at the other stud and then spoke "i am called SecretWindFire or WindFire" she paused then moved to sheriff and spoke "i came from a land where the Lord Sunstripe the mace ruled wisely but rebellion stirred and a stallion by the name of Numair gathered to him a force of imense numbers and challenged Sunstripe for his lands we then fought untill we numbered twenty and the others heavily out numbered us when we fought for the last time we knew that we would lose and perish and so every one died except for me Sunstripe saved me and perished for his foolish decision" her eyes filled with guilt and pain "every one perished on both s.ides and yet i wish i could have died with them"

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[> [> [> [> Subject: §Bad Boys Bad Boys Watcha Gonna Do§

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Date Posted: 12:08:28 05/26/03 Mon

~the stud listened intently to her tale, his mind seeming to travel back with her memory and witness the battle, the pain, the death. he knew no matter what he would say would comfort her. he wasn't there, he didn't know, he didn't understand her pain. he did however, understand what the stallion had done for her. something he would do for his own mares should the need arise.~

m'lady WindFire, your lord wanted you to be alive when he died. he wanted you to continue to enjoy this wonderful and terrible world. what he did was love for you, and i fear that none can compare to the love he showed. i will not lie, the pain and the guilt you hold will never dissapear. no other stud will be the same as your lord, but do not let those emotions keep you from living and loving. your lord was very brave and gallient, he no doubt looks upon you at the moment, smiling that his actions had indeed saved you. yet refusing to live, hiding in yourself is worse than death. if he were to see that you were not happy with his decision, it would kill his heart. the battle sounds horrible, and i hope you will never see so much murder, never feel so much grief and hate. it would ruin your beauty and your spirit.

~the stud smiled warmly as he nudged her chin. not a sign meant to be affection, simply hoping to cheer her up. had he known what lied in her past, he would not have asked so soon, but perhaps it was better he did.~

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: /\shuffle the deck/\

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Date Posted: 15:13:47 05/26/03 Mon

/\He listens intently on her sad story and wants to s\cheer her up, but no words come out. He looked down at the ground and quietly said, All you have time for in the world is right here, right now. If you've done something wrong, it's all over. If you feel sorry or sad, the next minute it's gone. He looked up at the two. My mother told me that. She also said that if I feel lonely, remember those words. He sniffed./\

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: }.{The Secret Of The Fire Within The Wind}.{

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Date Posted: 16:01:22 05/26/03 Mon

she nodded they where right she needed to move on she spoke "thank you for listening to me i have decided to go with Sheriff but thank lord Ace for helping me with your mothers wise words"

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: §Bad Boys Bad Boys Watcha Gonna Do§

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Date Posted: 17:47:00 05/26/03 Mon

~the stud nodded, a bit surprised that she had chosen to go with him. he had after all not really done anything except learn of her past, but mabey that's what he had done. he had listened and welcomed her as she was. he nodded to Ace as he turned around and trotted home to Trouble's harem. he looked back every so often to make sure she did not lose the way, for it was a long journey.~

thank you m'lady. i cannot promise you anything except my love, for everything else can change.

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