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Subject: this is my december this is my time of the year

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Date Posted: 20:32:56 06/05/03 Thu

the mare swept silently into the terra her blackened talons ripping the skin from the earth beneath her she sped across the land like a rolling thunder head she stopped her chest heaveing she then began to sing
"frost bitten hearts
wind ravaged stares
has the world been sent
into an eternal winter
no more spring time sun
i guess it wont return
like the lives of all our loved ones
who gave them up so we could be here
what happened to this world
what has happened to the life i loved
has it all just gone away now
like the sun on a winters day
but we are so lonely
why are we all apart?
there will be a spring time sun
there will be a second chance
now is our time for redemption
for the winter never lasts"

Color:blackish Grey

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[> Subject: /\shuffle the deck/\

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Date Posted: 06:35:28 06/06/03 Fri

/\Steed canters up to the mare and smiled. Hello, I'm Decker. Son of Ace of Spades and Twemlow. You are welcome to my harem, Sunset Mountains, if you wish. He now stood quietly./\

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[> [> Subject: §No Limits§

Buck Wild
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Date Posted: 13:26:51 06/06/03 Fri

Another steed canters up to the are and dips his dial in greeting.He smiles.Hello and welcome.I am Buck Wild.You are welcome in my herd anytime.He smiles again and awaits her reply.

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[> [> [> Subject: ((ooc: buck wild......))

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Date Posted: 01:42:33 06/07/03 Sat

((ooc: do u means Rebs herd, or have u got your own herd? becoz Rebs is still lead in his herd at the moment))

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[> [> [> [> Subject: this is my december this is my time of the year

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Date Posted: 08:42:48 06/07/03 Sat

the mare looked at her potential masters she barred her teeth and spoke "fight me or impress then i will decide to go with one of you"

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: /\shuffle the deck/\

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Date Posted: 03:49:49 06/08/03 Sun

/\He didn't want to fight and he wasn't chicken either. He was still sort of young and not ready for the other stallions. So he wanted to impress her. He smiled and started at a trot. He trotted around in circles, which almost made him dizzy. Then he went off at a canter. He jumped and bucked at the same time, which was hard to do. He landed with a thump and took off on another canter. He jumped again but this time, grabbing an apple from a tree. He quikly dropped it in front of her and gave a quik blurred smile. Then he raced off into a gallop. Limbs carried him around a wide bush so he could no be seen. He traveled not to long and then stopped. He panted, not even breaking a sweat yet, and then reared and jumped into a hard gallop. Flints pound into the ground making hoof prints as a marking. Then, at the edge of the bush, he took an amazing jump over the eight foor wide bush. He soared through the sky like he was flying. Flints land with a loud thump that sounded like he would brake an ankle. Hind limbs followed along with him as he carried himself over to the mare,panting heavily. But he didn't stop just yet. He took a tight turn to the left, which made him almost fall over. He started to buck around in circles and stopped. he then reared, almost falling down because he was so tired, and hieghed with all of his might. He landed swiftly and breathed heavily, looking at the mare and then towards the ground. Stiff limbs shoke under him as he panted./\

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: this is my december this is my time of the year

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Date Posted: 17:15:37 06/08/03 Sun

she galloped tworads him her talons ripping the skin from the earth she flung her mane into the wind and increased her pace all she was was a grey streak she ran and leaped over the jumpher lith body slammming into the earth she whirled then raced to the stallion then slid to a halt onley inches from his face the dust swirled around her she spoke her voice warm and kinder this time "i will go with you" her bright brown eyes danced her body showed no signs of sweat

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: /\shuffle the deck/\

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Date Posted: 12:03:37 06/11/03 Wed

/\He smiles and half rears, barely off the ground. he bobs hiis dial and prances towards his herd. He whinnies to her to follow him. Thank you, m'lady. Please follow me. He prances again towards his herd then rears, showing his strength./\

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