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Date Posted: 08:43:53 07/05/03 Sat
Author: A.C.
Subject: Re: Chaimpaign, IL 4/23
In reply to: agi 's message, "Chaimpaign, IL 4/23" on 16:22:12 04/25/03 Fri

>I saw Pear Jam on the 23rd at the Assembly Hall. This
>was in a way my first "real" concert. I noticed that
>Jeff doesn't really face the crowd during the show. I
>wonder why that is. Unfortuntely, I had some seats
>that weren't too good. Awesome show though.

While I never have seen PJ live I know that Jeff tends to face towards the drum riser or to another band member during a song. It's most likely because of how he is as a bass player -- since the bass is the "center of gravity" in any band, the bassist will often look to the other musicians for visual clues to keep it together. He's also is probably the shyest of the bunch. He's a Pisces, which is the most introverted and skittish sign (if you believe in astrology...if you don't, then hey). He's always very soft-spoken and unimposing in interviews, and given what he's said in interviews, I suspect Jeff's far more attracted to the feeling of playing music in a band than to applause or cheering for a crowd.

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