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Date Posted: 16:21:06 07/03/03 Thu
Author: Vangelis Xavier
Subject: -]Here I lie again in this broken body[-

Here I lie again in this broken body

-]The silouette of a tall male breaks through the cool morning mist. Vision was set straight ahead of him, raven globes serious and unwavering. Short, messy locks of platinum blonde seem to glow in the sunlight that reaches though the the water droplets within the air. Infact, his whole body seemed to glow, as his exteriority was that of a pale coloration. Covering his bodice and skin was a long sleeved black shirt and some black vinyl pants. Crania was held high, as vision catches sight of the town hall. Long strides are taken towards it, a dark blue and green duffel bag held at his side. Without thought, his feet carry him up the steps that lead to the doorway. Combat boots making a dull thud noise with each step taken on the concrete. A hand is reached out as he pushes the door inward, his body following the movement inside. A deep breathe is taken as he looks at how many people were waiting for acceptance. But not letting himself get overwhelmed by the thought, he looks to his right. There, he sees a new desk opening just then. Swiftly, his bodice is turned to the right and long steps taken towards the newly opened desk. A warm smile curls his labios as he looks down to the worker.[- Hey, can I get an application to live here? -]Soon, the worker nods, a smile upon their face as they hand him an application. A gentle nod is then given to the worker as the man takes the form gratefully.[- Thanks. -]Then, picking up the pen provided by the town hall, he begins to fill out his application.[-

The name that God has blessed me with is Vangelis Xavier
Within this dimension, I have traveled 24 years
The chromosomes given to me at birth are XY
The color or my orbs are midnight, my locks a platinum blonde
The bloodtype that flows through my viens is Type B
I reach 6'2" towards the sky, allowing me to lift my hands higher to praise God.
When people look at me, they think I am a punk/goth from the way I look, but deep down inside I am a christian.
My chosen personality is one that is unique to me, and to no others. Most question what I may be like, but I ask, please approach me if you wish to know.
Rules read? The Bible of this game is read, and I fully understand your set rules.

Html and graphicİ CountVampriss @ ByteMarks Studio; Background image (c) Mistress Aya 2003

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[> +_Resist This_+ -- Christina, 20:22:04 07/05/03 Sat

*her green eyed gaze quickly took in the man's form, a tiny smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as she approached, slipping her copper colored hair behind her shoulders, she smiled brightly up at him, her small 5'3" frame seeming tiny next to him* Hi! I'm Christina Morgan. You new around here? *her bright eyes danced with excitement, making her seem more like a 13 or 14 year old kid then an adult*

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[> [> -]Here I lie again inside this broken body[- -- Vangelis, 12:45:38 07/07/03 Mon

Here I lie again in this broken body

-]The vision of his darkened globes lay upon the maiden, a light smile etching across his features.[- Oh, hey! Name's Vangelis Xavier, and actually, I am new here. -]Absentmindedly, he runs a hand through his short, platinum blonde hair, brushing some of his back, away from his face.[- How about yourself? Or have you been here awhile? -]Orbs contained some curiousity as he inquired his question.[-

The name that God has blessed me with is Vangelis Xavier
Within this dimension, I have traveled 24 years
The chromosomes given to me at birth are XY
The color or my orbs are midnight, my locks a platinum blonde
The bloodtype that flows through my viens is Type B
I reach 6'2" towards the sky, allowing me to lift my hands higher to praise God.
When people look at me, they think I am a punk/goth from the way I look, but deep down inside I am a christian.
My chosen personality is one that is unique to me, and to no others. Most question what I may be like, but I ask, please approach me if you wish to know.
Rules read? The Bible of this game is read, and I fully understand your set rules.

Html and graphicİ CountVampriss @ ByteMarks Studio; Background image (c) Mistress Aya 2003

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[> [> [> +_Resist This_+ -- Christina, 22:06:00 07/07/03 Mon

*she smiled and reached out to shake his hand* Nice to meet you... *she reached up to finger comb her hair as she spoke* Oh, I've been here for a few weeks now. It's a nice little town... one of those places where everybody knows everybody and everybody's friends with everybody... *she smirked* at least... almost everybody... *she tilted her head to looked up at him* maybe I could show you around sometime...

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