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Date Posted: 08:16:30 09/12/01 Wed
Author: Pegasus
Subject: A Prayer From Across The Seas.

A Prayer From Across The Seas.

Dutch tears fall down
to cleanse the innocent
from the suffocating dust
by mortal wounded towers crumpling
and as our prayers
cross the seas,
we wish to be able
to walk on water,
coming over,
to stand by you,
embracing you all
in love.

Witnessing the tragedies,
is seeing in denial,
as unbelievable images flash,
in front of eyes one dare not trust,
until the rustling of destruction
whispers down the naked truth,
suffocating the world
with the senselessness
of violence and terror.

Towers may crumble in pain,
our hearts will never,
as we will never sell ourselves
to the fundamentalist dead ends
of religious misbelief and insanity,
nor will we listen to foaming extremists
that knife us in the back,
while their brains rot and fester
with the idiotic doctrines of idiotism
causing blind hate
digesting their sanity.

Planes flown by the socalled
heroes of the cowards,
tried to devastate the world
by penetrating all four chambers
of our loving hearts,
to accomplish
the death of a spirit,
living there for ages,
and ages to come,
untouchably protected,
by the true love of God
inside of us all.

They just nailed
another God
to the cross we all
have to bear.

Let us kneel down,
and fold our hands in a prayer
to call for the strength of God,
our Father unite us
in our darkest hour of deepest despair
to let us bare the anguish inflicted
and lead us towards all Thou represent.

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