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Date Posted: 02:06:23 09/18/01 Tue
Author: WindWalker
Subject: The Forgotten Ones

The Forgotten Ones

We react with horror and sadness
as innocent people die of terrorist attack
in the back yard of a “world power”
but do not feel the much greater horror
of systematic oppression of smaller nations
at the hands of the bully – and I ask “why?”

Economic policies starve entire countries
and children die from lack of food and water;
lands are raped of resources, impoverished
while their leaders are well fed and healthy
because they do the bully’s bidding;
the people wander naked, sick, hungry...
and we who live in the bully’s back yard
do not feel, and cannot feel, and I ask “why?”

In third and fourth world countries,
most don’t live beyond thirty,
because the fat of the land is taken
to the land of the free and the home of the brave;
and I ask about those who die in natural disasters:
I don’t even bother asking where God’s love is,
but where is our natural compassion
and our sense of outrage in all of this?
Is it all reserved for ourselves and our friends
and our sacred beliefs about the rightness of our cause?

Where is the collective compassion
for these thousands who die daily around the world?
Who die, we so well know, of preventable causes?
Where is that five minutes of silence in memory
of those who ensure we keep our abundance?
From the dust of the earth their voices, not silent yet,
cry to us to remember their sacrifice...
but we want to silence their cries for justice;
we want them to remain the forgotten ones –
otherwise, how could we justify our indignation?
We’ve always had someone to pay for our extravagance
are we to give up our favored status in God’s eyes?

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