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Date Posted: 04:55:06 09/22/01 Sat
Author: Ian
Subject: Re: Images in a wishing well [sijo]
In reply to: Flying Colors 's message, "Re: Images in a wishing well [sijo]" on 17:09:38 09/21/01 Fri

"what is a 'sijo'
I've got an explanation below for you, Terri. This is a cool form as it is a bit more challenging than haiku/senryu as you have to sketch a problem or situation in the first line, the second line must include a 'development' and the third line a solution to the problem/situation mentioned in line one,...challenging?...I think so.

Like haiku the sijo is nature oriented. There are three lines, each averaging 14-16 syllables with a total of 44-46 syllables. Each line has a specific focus; the first line introduces a situation or problem, the second line includes a development, the third line resolves tensions created in the first line or resolves the problem in the first line. Again we must note that Oriental languages tend to be unstressed. Each piece must be self-explanatory, requiring no title. Below is an example.
Sijo 1
An eternal drama, replayed by each new generation,
predator engages infant prey in a dance of death,
with confidence the hunter strikes, and dies upon mother's talon.
©2000 Wordsmith

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