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Date Posted: 05:20:28 12/14/01 Fri
Author: WindWalker
Subject: Let There Be Light

Let There Be Light

Christmas lights, merry lights,
decorate trees and homes;
I feel the search for happiness,
when the sun hides his face,
lying low on the grey horizon.

Now the Light of the Spirit
the Light of Christmas cheer
is called upon to hold the life
the Sun relinquishes for a time.

I say: find every possible way
to enjoy this festive time;
see the twinkling of coloured lights;
the excitement in a child’s eyes,
the natural greenery,
brought from the forest
to gladden the hearts of the old.
If your mind hums a Christmas carol,
remember to hum along
and if your eyes see two in love
walking hand in hand on a sidewalk,
smile and bless them from the heart.
For you were there once
and shall be there again!

Being happy may not be the solution
to the problems plaguing this world,
but it may be what is needed
to see us all pass more peacefully
into another year of life’s activities.


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