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Date Posted: 04:07:35 01/24/02 Thu
Author: SuSanne
Subject: renaming : Child, Woman Within
In reply to: SuSanne 's message, "Woman & Child" on 18:03:01 01/03/02 Thu


I treasure the child within
Yet at times, this child controls me
So the woman of me takes it on the chin
With the bruises of this life unseen.

Despite my untold breeding
I walk as if a Duchess or Queen
Without any needing
Or desire, to be mean.

My child within, is many blessings
For wonderment and enrichment of life,
But when I need to be a woman without security missing,
Many times, up pops the insecure part of my child.

To take it tall with big eyes
Staring without words at one speaking down to me
Despite me knowing I seem so easy to sensationalize
Just because I am an esprit, on the world's marquee.

It this why I can relate
To Bob Dylan's song so well,
Where he sings that line she "acts like a woman
But breaks down, just like a little girl".

Or so it would seem
I have heard it all yet know there is more
Than just missing my Devonshire cream
As a tiny example of a life halfway worn.

So even being unique unintentionally
Which sadly I know, most do want not,
I must be me and me, to thoughtfully synchronize
These parts of child and woman to be & be.

Girl can enrich the woman I am, into right size
So instead of feeling as a humanoid
I become the human being,
The power of Light .. means me to be.

© SuSanne &*_*&

2 January 2002
renamed: 24.1.02
All right reserved

p.s. F.C.~will be in touch soon as
I get in touch with my poetry MoM
to get caught up again as for example,
Email addr which I did have and presently
do not have, okay?:-p thanx!!! SP

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