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Date Posted: 14:49:22 02/04/02 Mon
Author: SuSanne
Subject: How Do Y ou Sleep?


How does one figure some poets out?
When of this, there should be no need
One day you are friends of true friendship clout
Then without warning, writing to you, he does not feed.

Is it because you played me for poetic needs?
And of this I did not know enough to chastise
And cut down your words as if the World's personal weeds
So you decided to bury friendship as if we never did fraternize

So for reasons I do not know why
We are no longer friends to the end
Just for that short while
That no longer is worth, frying in any feelings pan.

But how can one who seem so sincerely nice
And yet really seem to be so terribly rude?
Especially since I am not after any words of clever mice
That runs up and down your tasty clock, as if made of cheese Gould.

Perhaps I did not play your games properly
Which may have a lot to do with my malfunction of machines
That has played havoc, setting my mind improperly
But did not give you right to act, as a mean man of means.

Oh yes, I know how you are sleeping
In dreams with the only one you claim to love
Which of course, I have never tried to stop you from keeping
But you act of her; I would want to give such a nasty shove.

When almost at any point, I could care less
Because your major misreading of me has made it no fun
While so happy am I, at least you have her under your poetic vest
And believe it or not, of this .. I do not pun.

© SuSanne &*_*&

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