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Date Posted: 01:04:01 03/14/01 Wed
Author: Heartstarter
Subject: I Am Not

I am not an artist because
Julie smokes Marlboros.
She wears a cherry jumper and cherry shoes,
a ghost sweater and ghost stockings
and carries the box of Marlboros.
Julie,lying on my bed,
spills blood and snow on my
rasberry and coconut spread,
So I paint the picture.
And the critics say whatsa matter kid,
you don't got no other crayon
but red?

I am not an artist because
the strange boy has a fat neck.
He wears the same shirt everyday on the bus.
From the collar grows a neck
wider than his head.
So I split the neck and head on paper
and the experts say there ain't no one
looks like that why
dont'cha draw flowers?

If Julie smoked Salems the portrait
would have been balanced.
The heavy red and white would have been
blown apart by a mentholated breath
of color.
The critics would have said
"This carnival of rainbows combines the
double enjoyment of a striking portrait
and today's pop art."

If the boy,instead of a fat neck,
had been given big,round eyes,
the portrait would be seen as a
charming face.
The experts would have said
"This visage expresses the whimsical fantasy
of a child found in an adult's face.
His warm eyes thrill us with a
'je ne sais quoi' sensation."

I am not an artist because
the critics and the experts do not understand
That truth is beauty
and beauty is truth
That is all there is on earth
That is all there is to know.

Acknowledgement to "Ode to a Grecian Urn"

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