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Date Posted: 07:33:20 03/15/01 Thu
Author: Pegasus
Subject: Wedding Party Of Our Love.

Wedding Party Of Our Love.

Rays of Light,
dive into the center of my
fresh blue irisses,
with a corona of colors
on my retina,
into illuminating thoughs and visions
of what lays hidden
inside and beyond
the prospective.

Emotions, your's and mine,
manifest themselves
as invited guests
to our love's wedding party,
where they mingle to
a colorful compilation
of feelings and sensations,
in the ballroom of our
mutual sanity.

Most of them are dancing
in a twirling motion,
having a ball, gay and playfully,
without any concerns,
floating like carried
upon the strong hands
of what we call
hope, love, faith
and believe.

Some of them are enjoying
a lively conversation,
exchanging knowledge and wisdom,
exploring eachothers depths,
debating mutual interests,
negotiating an ever lasting peace treaty
for the rest of their lives,
as long as their mutual future lasts.

Others behave cautiously,
just getting acquainted,
exchanging their thoughts carefully,
calmly and politely,
avoiding obtrusiveness,
investigating how to get the most
out of the possibilities,
constructing a prosperous future.

A few are careful,
sitting on the fence,
build around the gardens of prudence,
weeding awaiting prejudice,
hidden between the flowers of hope and believe,
or stroll along the convoluting paths,
avoiding eachother for the time being,
because they feel too excited,
too unfamiliar, too shy and perplexed,
too surprised,
over this sudden, fragile happiness.

Spiritual visions,
funneled by the Light,
showing all related and excited emotions present,
the justice of choices made,
reassuring that commitments made can be free
from hesitation and uncertainties,
by showing exactly how to behave
to keep heading in the right direction
of holy matrimony.

Both captured in the cone of Light
we grow and melt together as one,
without losing our own identity,
knowing how to respect each of us,
depending upon the incomprehensible force
that is always embracing us.

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