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Date Posted: 22:31:49 03/15/01 Thu
Author: WindWalker


The sun rises, golden, smiling,
over white tropical sands.
A goddess wrapped in white silk,
an ageless woman, kissed
by many such sunrises,
walks slowly through the surf
searching for memories
washed upon a timeless shore.

In her passion for life
she uncovers the mystery of time:
we embrace, knee deep in crystal waters,
our bodies become as one
in sexual bliss;
our souls dance in harmony,
reaffirming, without shame or denial
that love is the sacred path,
the fire that tempers the blade,
that rekindles that twin flame
which burns deep and strong
in memory, marking boundaries
of space and time for the soul.

It seems so long ago:
we met, touched, loved
as only gods remembered, can.
Other times, distant pasts, misty futures
We find our time again
on a shore of white gold
shaded by modern high-rises...
blue dolphins yet come
laughing as always, celebrating
this endless blissful reunion.

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