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Date Posted: 08:12:04 03/16/01 Fri
Author: Pegasus
Subject: When Love Lets Our Emotions Dance.

When Love Lets Our Emotions Dance.

Since we've met,
madly in love,
it is as if we're surrounded
by whatever tunes
our orchestra of emotions
composes or plays.

we surrender ourselves
to the beat of the moods,
our mutual loves juggle
from the imaginary top of illusions
with a tip of a magic baton,
creating the rhythmic blueprints
of our emotional notes
placed upon the staves
of our own love compositions.

we can twirl and spin
in left or right directions
on a dreamy waltz,
holding eachother close,
imagining ourselves floating
on cloud nine, close to
the seventh Heaven.

we tease eachother with a Rumba,
eventually luring us into a state
of sensual excitement,
never rejected in the end,
after having tasted
the joy of the cha-cha,
enthralling and capturing one another
in the heat of a blazing tango,
or test our amazing variety of moods
in a foxtrot,
where we can be
swingers or trotters,
step smoothly or ripply,
militairy or just very

ourselves young again
on disco feverish rhythms,
exploring and expoding into
swing, boogie-woogie, b-bop,
beach bop, rock & roll, twist,
disco, hustle, bump, ceroc
or bobling,
until our bodies
are damp and hot
glimmering suggestively
from a disco fever
to what is yet to come.

How exciting it can be
to deliver our emotions
to the spell of whatever flows
from the physical,
heated up by lambada, merenque,
salsa or samba,
to be cooled down slowly
long after our love has ended
the music for the evening
but the heat of the night
is still too young
to waste precious time
by sending off our feasting emotions
to bed too early,
without having let them tasted
the ultimate creme de la creme;
our most private striptease
followed by the most intimate
dance of all dances...

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