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Date Posted: 19:21:14 03/16/01 Fri
Author: Toby Abbot
Subject: Morning Light

So very slowly it has dawned on me,
As the shadow moves on a sundial,
The telltale signs that were so plain to see,
In her eyes and her politician smile.
The air hangs heavy with latent intent,
A furnace fed with guilt's combustive ore,
That still can't ignite a match that is spent,
A votive taper burnt down to its core.
We both know the flame can never come back,
The mask she wears is beginning to crack.

Our past stands like an uninvited guest,
Reminding me of the love we have lost,
The torment of a forgotten caress,
A flower that never survived the frost.
And though redolent of something pure,
It is tarnished, like a poisoned phial,
That, now drunk, unveils the truth obscured,
That trust hid in a cloak of denial.
Betrayal is love's protector and thief,
For a lie is at the heart of belief.

All love lies in faith, and that is the lie,
A pretty picture hung to hide the rot,
Our vows of trust, they were her alibi,
And though my love was true,her faith was not.
Now enraptured by another's false charms,
Like an animal caged, she yearns to flee,
Into another snare, her lover's arms,
But then, only the lonely soul is free.
Yet, I hope her memory lingers on,
For, by the morning light, she will be gone.

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