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Date Posted: 19:12:05 03/21/01 Wed
Author: Pegasus
Subject: Oh, You Kinky Devil.

Oh, You Kinky Devil.

You always have me
zip it up for you,
when you're wearing nothing but
that ravishing black
skintight dress
out to dinner.

Sure, wiggling helps alot.

That way you make sure
I know far too much about you,
to take my eyes off of your slender curves
longer than a split second,
during the upcoming few hours
of torment and abstention.

Yeah, just shake your hair.

We're having a fancy dinner,
but girl I'm telling you,
I already lost appetite
before ever touching that zipper,
and woman,
did you make me hungry.

And thisty for that matter.

When I finally force myself
to supress my basic instincts,
you always kinda
set things straight,
by knotting my tie
just a tad too tight,
but in a most perfect
double Windsor.

Oh my, that firm grip of your's.

And you always see to it,
that our bodies briefly touch,
you naughty tease.

Uhuh, suggestively of course.

Better watch it and
don't stretch it any further,
or you'll have to drag me
out of here.

Geez that scent, dawning tulips, I believe.

That guy in the kitchen
with the pots and pans
can have his own sky full of
Michelin Stars,
he can never beat
what you're cooking and
whatever dessert he makes,
it will be a pathetic joke
compared to your's.

What's that?

Two tickets for the movies
after dinner?

Oh you kinky devil, you...

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