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Date Posted: 13:11:27 03/09/01 Fri
Author: TheRunaway
Subject: Temptress

Travelled through heavens gates and I came to rest in hells fire
All that manifests in these eyes is temptations desires
Mirror’s and magic bringing about large doses of catastrophe
The love that you would present is my own personal blasphemy

If I held you in my arms and we merged and became as one
The man and this spirit would be lost forever like the sunshine is gone
I can concede and be happy and contented for a while
A soldier following a blind order keeping rank and file

Trying to reason with you and show you we can only be a mistake
When I want you more then ever but this selfish heart can only ever take
Flattered and I want to become more then some casual acquaintance
You are the first and only one who has been able to grant me tolerance

I ignore your blond hair the hypnotizing eyes bound in the perfect package
If I loved you like I can I know that I can’t walk away from the wreckage
That soft voice that melts away my doubts and ungodly fears
The core temperature that rises in my body as my mind clears

When you touch me it scares me that it can feel so right
You are the spark that sets these fires alight
Seldom in my life have the choices been so clearly defined
I know if I don’t see you then I might as well be blind

Where is the man who was dark and cold to the touch?
What gives you the right to get to me so much
How can I make a life for myself when I don’t know how to proceed?
An out of control soul and you know you are what I need

Nothing will change if I refuse to make the first move
I have nothing to gain its only you that I can lose
Shaman have warned me that you could be a temptress
If I could love you I would sacrifice forgiveness

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