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Date Posted: 21:31:30 03/09/01 Fri
Author: WindWalker
Subject: Double Meaning

Double Meaning

Why would God inspire writers
to pen "His Word" with double meaning?
Why not just come out and speak truth?
Say it in such a way there can never be
a doubt as to what is being meant?

I see but two ways out of this dilemma
of God having His way with man:

One: we destroy all vestiges of the Bible,
heave a great, overdue, sigh of relief
and live and love as we know we can
and no longer look over our shoulders
to see if "Big Kahuna" is watching.

Two: we continue to give ear to ‘Teachers'
who interpret the "Word"
as best they can, as best it pays!
But this method clearly shows,
there's a leak in the bucket of salvation!
Some things get lost, surely
and meaning gets changed each time
an interpretation is handed down.

Or maybe it's all the work of man:
maybe I should give up the carrot on the stick;
go to the restaurant for a decent meal
and pay the cook and tip the waiter
instead of the one who so boldly speaks
of multiplication of bread and fish
but leaves his customers hungry.

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