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Date Posted: 15:06:06 03/10/01 Sat
Author: Singing Sparrow
Subject: Looking Into The Mirror

Looking Into The Mirror
By: Noah Eaton

Looking into the mirror, I see my soulmate stare back at me
Mimicking my movements, my smiles, my emotions
The one and only one who shares my feelings and my love in it’s entire
I watch her smile and laugh in the glass, reflecting feelings I present

I slowly step back smiling at her lovely face, she steps back with me smiling
I step forward again, she steps forward that same moment, eager to feel the true me within the glass
Just as I wish to see this reflection so much more than an optical illusion
To see this reflection image become real, become the dream girl I see that I can hold close to my heart

Reaching out to touch her face on the glass, my fingertips tap the panels
I slide them down slowly, watching as she tries to touch me with her soft silky hand
Against the pearl-stained window of eternity’s hologram, I sway with her in true loves sighting
Giggling softly, knowing we both truly have each other, it’s just a matter now of me finding her, as she will find me

I open the medicine cabinet window, watch my face split, seeing a split-image of me and my love, my half of the face attached with hers
Watching as my lips move with hers, eyes winking with hers
My alter-ego, my true loves emotions sharing mine, reminding me I’m not alone
As I softly speak to her, “You are never alone, my love, we will be together soon!”

I watch as her lips move, unable to make out what she’s saying, however sure it was an echo of what I said to her
I brush my teeth and I would say goodnight to my dream lovers reflection, waving my hand to her
As I look at her image one last time before I turn the lights off and go to bed
Later to dream of her again, as I wonder if she too dreams of me

Looking into the mirror, I see my true love stand there, praying to be with me soon
At the same time I keep my hands held together, yearning for her love
O’ the magic mirror on the wall, showing me the one true one I’ll love forever
My future love, just out of reach through the thickness of time…

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