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Date Posted: 13:59:28 03/13/01 Tue
Author: TheRunaway
Subject: Flat Line

The atmosphere is strained to the point of being terse
It’s a struggle to make sentences a big effort just to converse
Tongue tied I can’t fathom how to best approach the situation
So racked with guilt unable to control the tension

I begin to say a few words and you interrupt cutting me off dead
Perhaps I was naïve and this situation I’ve hopelessly misread
Hastily beating a retreat and wanting to be anywhere but here
There’s no confusion now your feelings are perfectly clear

I throw in some glib remark trying to recover some ground
I’m dying in the reality of the dream that once left me spellbound
Without warning you turn away and say we’ll talk later
You stole my heart and now your taking my thunder

There does not seem to be anything more to say
Bemused is the best I can manage as you walk away
I thought we had something you were someone to call a friend
You are on another level to which I can’t contend

All the calculations and all I managed was a misjudgement
Caught up in the ambience blinded by the moment
There is no way to know how I came to be off the beaten track
I know I belong in the darkness so I’ll just make my way back

Obscurity is the way forward and I’ll leave without a trace
Forget the memories and time will erase the face
This heart falls silent the mind is all I have that’s my mine
Check the pulse for love and life as I quickly approach the flat line

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