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Date Posted: 11:45:17 02/20/01 Tue
Author: WindWalker
Subject: Unfettered as the Wind

Unfettered as the Wind

To the giant cathedrals
in the ancient, timeless forest
I took her.
Her frail body wracked
by pains she no longer could bear,
I laid gently among the roots
of an ageless fir whose top was lost
in the morning mist...
Though she no longer spoke in words,
I listened for her goodbye, her final wisdom
and as her breath ceased to flow
it was through her eyes
that she expressed her desire
that I, in love, allow her
to take death's gentle hand.

Impossible it is to speak
of the void filling my heart in this moment
as a mist from a nearby waterfall
mixes its tears with mine:
together we cry our loss.

After the vigil, I leave her earth body
gently covered with silt, soil and wet green mosses
knowing that in earth's long awaited Spring
she will give birth to sweet scented new life...
thus do I take comfort in my pain.

Now, her spirit freed, she paints the sky
glorious shades of cosmic colours,
Her laughter, the song of her life
instills renewed joy within my heart.

As darkness falls, I turn my eyes to the stars
and a sudden gust of wind touches my skin.
It is her spirit leaving earth,
unfettered as the wind,
off to places we knew in times long past:
I resume my journey
and no regrets for having known her
such a short time.

This is my web page

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