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Date Posted: 11:05:29 02/28/01 Wed
Author: Pegasus
Subject: The Grain From Our Fields Of Love.

The Grain From Our Fields Of Love.

Sitting beside your bed
I plough the fields
that God has given us
to grow and earn
whatever is necessary
to nourish our mutual love.

Yesterday's harvest,
rich and wealthy,
was brutally stolen
by the haunting ghosts,
that poisoned their own fields
already long ago,
by planting the contaminated cereals,
provided by the warehouses
in the underworld of evil.

While the plough's blades once again
carve forcefully through Gods' soil,
I come across this tiny grain,
the thieves must have missed
and left behind.

Just as I pick it up to hold it
firm in the palm of my hand,
I see guild emerge from
within your deepest self,
reflected by the emerald mirrors
of your honest spirit.

As your lips part,
I gently lay my fingers
upon them to let you know
I understand your sorrow;
apologies are redundant
and would only disturb
this moment's magic.

Yet, I am unable to prevent
the birth of a tear
and as I try to catch this
sparkling proof of your fragile love,
it lands and explodes upon the palm
in which I happen to hold the grain.

Later, sitting at home,
under guidance of the Light,
preoccupied with reflective questions
and the neverending search for answers,
I get distracted
by a slight itching in my palm.

After opening it,
I see the grain's shell has burst
to give birth to a new cycle of life,
as I see a young emerald stem
curiously peeking into the world,
yet, looking strong enough
to survive the most violent storms
future has in mind.

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