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Date Posted: 11:33:36 03/09/01 Fri
Author: WindWalker
Subject: Winds of Eternity

Winds of Eternity

She was sprite, elf, wild, untamed:
she loved to dance to danger's beat,
always one foot on the very edge of life.
Thus I encountered my mystic love,
in a place of her own devising.

I knew any love she expressed,
even from the depth of her heart,
would be as fleeting as a desert storm;
that she would fade away as a season;
as a summer wind.

I needed the experience offered
of a sacred moment of passion:
I boldly stepped within the circle
she drew for the daring in the sand of her life.

Though the wind blows cold now,
and the love I knew, beyond the farthest star;
though I walk in emptiness and pain
of a fire no longer kindled, yet still burning,
I remain without regret
in the memory we created and lived.

Now I too can dance with danger;
can live on the razor's edge:
from her I learned to disregard caution.
The past is the springboard,
the future, free to look to its own ends:
I can but live for the moment.

I knew heaven in her season of passion,
in her laughter and her kisses:
why refuse a taste of hell now?
My life belongs to that untamed past
where she still dances in kinetic waves
but my soul soars on winds of eternity
where I surely will recognize her again...

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